SD Whats your goal
With Snowball Dominance giving out such a good reward, what's every ones goal for the end of Wintersday?
Mines personally is 2 or 3 stacks a day, not a heavy farmer.
Mines personally is 2 or 3 stacks a day, not a heavy farmer.
My goal was to max vanguard on my necro using only SD. Only barely had r8 on it before SD.
That's a lot of stacks.
That's a lot of stacks.
Max 10 characters.
I may try to Legendary Survivor a character on it.
I farmed 350 Tonics a day, then bought the same amount using the money I earned from the quest.
Stopped as soon as I maxed Party, that run is so boring.
Stopped as soon as I maxed Party, that run is so boring.
I have R8 Vanguard on six mule characters. I plan on maxing them
Then I'll be working on getting enough XP across my playable toons to get UAS on each. I've completed UAS on four, and I'm pretty far on a few others, who only need 20-40 skill points each. I should easily get this far. The others are 200-300 away, and out of reach for now.
Then I'll be working on getting enough XP across my playable toons to get UAS on each. I've completed UAS on four, and I'm pretty far on a few others, who only need 20-40 skill points each. I should easily get this far. The others are 200-300 away, and out of reach for now.
Scott Ware
0 vanguard points to r10. After that, done.
I'll probably farm a stack per day. I'm not bothering with the consumable titles -- I'm just going to sell everything so I can buy the stuff I need to get to 30 in my HoM.
I just hope there is still a market for gifts as time goes on.
I just hope there is still a market for gifts as time goes on.
My aim was 2-2.5 stacks a day, but I've moved onto Crush now

Max Party and Sweets Titles.
Using two accounts I only farm a stack of tonics at a time then I take a break.
Using two accounts I only farm a stack of tonics at a time then I take a break.
Max Vanguard and Max Sweet titles. Already done in the first two days thus getting me to 50/50
I would be farming and maxing party title if I remembered to bring my laptop charger home for the holidays. Stuck with my netbook and playing guildwars is really crappy on it. At least I can do strength of snow and afk the last part and grab chest.
Just enough tonics/gifts to max out my drunkard and party title. Currently about 67% through with my PP title. Also currently about 6.5% through my drunkard title. Haha.
With 2 accounts I can generate 3 stacks of gifts in about 40 minutes.
With 2 accounts I can generate 3 stacks of gifts in about 40 minutes.
Is it really faster than SD? I might give it a shot later. Any tips?
The best advice I can give for Crush is USE YOUR SNOWCONE. People seem to forget they have that. It's especially helpful if you use it right before a Champion dies to get the heal without the skill disable. Other than that, watch your positioning when hitting Beacons so you don't aggro a mob that spawns.
go cubs
This, I am double accounting so i am maxing both accts with vanguard then moving on to my survivor ranger which i just got to Eotn.
I can max it in like 250ish runs so it will take a decent amount of time but each full round takes me about 2 minutes so thats about 500 minutes which is about 8.5 hours without any breaks. So i could probably do it in 2-3 days. I really dont care about how many stacks of anything i get but i already have about 10 stacks of gifts and 5 stacks of tonics.
I am too lazy to bother with crush since I already have a routine with SD although i will eventually do them just to try them out.
I assume this is on SD?
Are those gifts purely from the rewards?
How long Does each run take from accepting reward to accepting reward?
I can get about 1 stack total in 30 minutes but thats about it (including the other rewards ofc and with double accs)
how do you get 55 seconds? The dialogues alone at the beginning take 30-40 seconds, how can u get the reward/change dists in 15-25 seconds?
EDIT: Today i found out how to delete a double post
I can max it in like 250ish runs so it will take a decent amount of time but each full round takes me about 2 minutes so thats about 500 minutes which is about 8.5 hours without any breaks. So i could probably do it in 2-3 days. I really dont care about how many stacks of anything i get but i already have about 10 stacks of gifts and 5 stacks of tonics.
I am too lazy to bother with crush since I already have a routine with SD although i will eventually do them just to try them out.
With 2 accounts I can generate 3 stacks of gifts in about 40 minutes. |
Are those gifts purely from the rewards?
How long Does each run take from accepting reward to accepting reward?
I can get about 1 stack total in 30 minutes but thats about it (including the other rewards ofc and with double accs)
took 3.5 hours to get r8 to r10. That's with bathroom breaks, rangers not expert.
EDIT: it's about 55 seconds (I timed it) per run with the zoning on average, 2.25-3 mins with zoning if your team is not expert. |
EDIT: Today i found out how to delete a double post

With 2 accounts I can generate 3 stacks of gifts in about 40 minutes. |
I get around 450 presents, 240 tonics and 24k an hour with my two accounts. Could probably get it to 2 stacks an hour if i focused, but im always watching a movie or tv show or something at same time.
---- On topic: Since i get almost 2 stacks an hour, my goal was 6-8 prezi stacks a day, but i keep getting distracted with polar bear quest. Promised myself if i didnt get one by 200 runs id stop, but well see >_>
how do you get 55 seconds? The dialogues alone at the beginning take 30-40 seconds, how can u get the reward/change dists in 15-25 seconds?
Use X - R (to run in the direction of energy team). Position near Roland. Hit V for target nearest ally.
Wait for the exact second they turn red, then explode 50% HP for 50 damage on 5-6 targets + 10 degen for 30 seconds. Ice fort --> snowball spam on carlise and roland (1). "Mmm, snowcone!" the second Ice fort goes down.
Ranger should spam Flurry.
The second the ranger kills the last mob, you want to zone to active district. After that, switch to district you are meeting in, get quest, add 2nd person and enter. It is a good idea to have the person with the faster connection to add the other one. (I ctrl+ V the person's name so that made it quicker).
I timed it by taking a few runs with someone I had been running with for 30+ runs, divided by time for all of them. It's doable in 20 seconds after aggro if you ball good enough. Changing districts took me about 5-10 seconds max and usually it was waiting for the Ranger. M--> click - enter. Switch to designated meet up district, auto run to the NPC, hit V so I don't click on the numerous people then hit enter.
Bah just did some Crush runs and I'd say it's a lot better than SD, BUT it takes so long to find a group it might not be worth it
go cubs
I timed it by taking a few runs with someone I had been running with for 30+ runs, divided by time for all of them. It's doable in 20 seconds after aggro if you ball good enough. Changing districts took me about 5-10 seconds max and usually it was waiting for the Ranger. M--> click - enter. Switch to designated meet up district, auto run to the NPC, hit V so I don't click on the numerous people then hit enter. |
At the minimum thats 1 min 5 seconds. And i believe the dialogue is actually over 35 seconds because usually when I time i get up to 37-38 by the time they turn red.I also feel like the 20 second total killing may be a little quicker than average time.
Im not saying your a liar I just feel like you did math wrong or something because that seems exceptionally quick.
But if you are positive you did the math right then idk, i guess i just cant figure somethin out xD because my personal best time was 1 min 50 seconds,timing from loading in to quest to loading into next quest.
I've been giving away stacks to guildies as Christmas presents, so I guess that's been my main goal. ^_^ I used SD last year to max Vanguard on my necro, and this year she's going for Party and Sweets titles. I've already bought two sets of elite armor for a few other characters from the cash.
It's a fun run. I can play for an hour, then wander away and do other things. I actually look forward to it every year.
It's a fun run. I can play for an hour, then wander away and do other things. I actually look forward to it every year.

I just met my goals: max Party Animal and Sweet Tooth. Methinks I'll still farm SD to line my pockets, but with just one account.
Squishy ftw
Just getting my monk to max vanguard, only needed 8k when the event started.
Not going to farm it much more than that as I can't really say I like farming much.
Not going to farm it much more than that as I can't really say I like farming much.
Okay well that may not be total true but tonight got 2 stacks of gifts in 1 hour. My stats are pretty much the same as Novawhiz.


Did 300 presents over about 3 days and got bored. :/
Crush was fun for a few runs but it becomes mindless after.
Crush was fun for a few runs but it becomes mindless after.
Dialogue is more like 40 seconds, I think.
One stack a day.
However, Crush has become a guild favorite and is alot of fun for almost the same amount of gifts per SC. So I have included that in my one stack a day quota. I also still do Strength of Snow in between for shards and the 0.000002% chance of a mini polar bear(3yrs no bear).
SD is still faster, but how often do you get to farm gifts with a large group of friends? Add vent and its much more satisfying than a random pug or hero. Even with pugs(aggro says "Hi!") Crush can still be alot of fun and change the pace.
However, Crush has become a guild favorite and is alot of fun for almost the same amount of gifts per SC. So I have included that in my one stack a day quota. I also still do Strength of Snow in between for shards and the 0.000002% chance of a mini polar bear(3yrs no bear).
SD is still faster, but how often do you get to farm gifts with a large group of friends? Add vent and its much more satisfying than a random pug or hero. Even with pugs(aggro says "Hi!") Crush can still be alot of fun and change the pace.
Probably just going to max vanguard. I have almost nothing in my sweets and party titles, so it would take quite awhile to max them from the quest. I'd rather just do DoA and buy the points with money from that.
A stack of gifts and I'm burnt out for the day. I find it so damn boring. But wanna finish maxing party, at ~5k points right now, and still need to max drunkard and sweet tooth also.
But if you are positive you did the math right then idk, i guess i just cant figure somethin out xD because my personal best time was 1 min 50 seconds,timing from loading in to quest to loading into next quest.
I mean I had a full meal, with soup and a nice long bathroom break. One of the 6 or 7 rangers I was with had to call in to work since he was snowed in so that's another 15-20 minutes.
lol, 2-3 stacks takes like 1.5 hours with 2 accounts and maybe 3 hours with 1 account, not that tough.
My personal goal for presents is like 2 stacks a day but im not determined to get that. |
EDIT: I did a run on my ele with a necro hero and it was less than 1 min total with me typing on here. 2 seconds to zone. 1<0.5 second to accept quest.
For the record, I timed the opening dialogue from when I saw the first line spoken to when the enemy team turns hostile and came out with 37.5 seconds on my cell phone stopwatch. Take from that what you will.
If you spent 20 minutes total for making your dinner, eating, and all your restroom breaks(it could be more or less, I figured 20 was fair), then you did the whole cycle in 1 minute 10 seconds every time for 160 times. I dunno, I just have a hard time believing that. From my experience, with SD the AI is extremely erratic and does and often doesn't ball up even when you do the same thing every time(because your own NPCs don't push up etc.)
If you spent 20 minutes total for making your dinner, eating, and all your restroom breaks(it could be more or less, I figured 20 was fair), then you did the whole cycle in 1 minute 10 seconds every time for 160 times. I dunno, I just have a hard time believing that. From my experience, with SD the AI is extremely erratic and does and often doesn't ball up even when you do the same thing every time(because your own NPCs don't push up etc.)
go cubs
EDIT: I did a run on my ele with a necro hero and it was less than 1 min total with me typing on here. 2 seconds to zone. 1<0.5 second to accept quest.
I highly doubt that, just time how long it takes you from zone at end to zone and start.
And like the above post, i dont see how 1 min 10 seconds is possible for every run. dialogue is 37 seconds, to be safe. Lets say that it takes you 10 seconds to accept/start again (which is very quick) thats 47 seconds, that gives you 23 seconds to kill every one on the other team which is possible. But every single time???
I dont see how you could do that every time because even with a perfect ball it still takes a good 15-20 seconds to finish and when odd actions happen, it doesnt work too well and takes 25-30 seconds at least. I just dont see how you could pull that off with an avg time of 1 min 10 seconds
Free Hairnet
The snowballs stop once I max vanguard. Everything else turns into HoM weapons. Having done the math, I'm pretty sure I'll leave the quest with minimal ennui.

Chasing Squirrels
I try 74 runs a day so. i am working towards maxing sweet and party animal:S
Right now I do a stack or so of gifts per day. My overall goal is to max my vanguard title, and get what money I can from sweets and booze.
how do you get 55 seconds? The dialogues alone at the beginning take 30-40 seconds, how can u get the reward/change dists in 15-25 seconds?
1 stack of gifts per account (max 2) per hour is doable but you won't be able to keep up the 1.5 min runs all the time.