PvE: The Pink Animal Clan: Recruiting


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2010



Welcome to the world of Pink!


A little about us,

Our guild is full of active members consisting of at least 40 on in the past day. We have a full hall, team speak, website, cape, nightly events, contests, holiday party's, so essentially all the good stuff. We are also a Luxon Alliance.
Our leaders name is Strider followed by her council Alexia , D.W.Kirin, Frat, Glass Eater, Demonic Lindstorm, Panax, Robin Hood and Tasty.
On the side note we would like to say that We are fun-loving. We do not, nor will we ever faction farm. Though our faction usually hangs out over 300,000. We also understand that we all have lives, and want to live them. This means that we are not here just for you, we are here to enjoy ourselves. Most of us have jobs and we find that when we don't show up we don't get paid.

Our Mission,

We don't mess around so if there is any B.S going on we will know and that person will be kicked immediately! As stated above we are fun-loving, very friendly and we want to keep that going throughout the guild. We just want to log on and chat in a friendly environment and play the game instead of grinding until our brains explode.
Most of the members in the guild at the moment are working on their HoM. We do lots of dungeons, Vq's and HM Missions.
Our Main guild is starting to fill up and we are looking forward to expanding this empire into an alliance!

Think this guild is right for you?,

If you have like what you read and are interested in joining The Pink Animal Clan then go to our website and fill out the Application at the top of the page. The applications go straight to our emails and we will get back to you asap!
When you are inside the guild please be patient and experience what we have to offer. Understand that every guild has their slow days. We would like our new members to stay in for awhile instead of just leaving on the first day.

Thanks for your time and we hope to see you around in our world of The Pink Animal Clan!!