Set of 10 Perfect Oldschool Chaos Axes REQ 8 Dual Vamp Req 8
teh bestest is here
This is a beautiful set of chaos axes, they will be sold ONLY AS A SET
I would rather keep all Ten then sell 9 and have one left and break the set up, so bids will be on the entire set ONLY.
Lets start offers at 1,337gold
teh bestest is here
First Bump <(-.-<)
Better Than Koss
skipping the b/o and opening with 10k
Da Tru Legend
15e here
91e (>^_^)>
You know it.
You know it.
teh bestest is here
Bump it, added a very nice set of chaosaxes
teh bestest is here
Bump, seriously no offers on the chaos set?!?
teh bestest is here
Bump, im confused how i dont have one offer on that set...
teh bestest is here
last bump and these will be added to my collection
set 100e for c/o
ign; master of tactics x
ign; master of tactics x