WTS Everlasting Ooze Tonic(reasonable offers plz)

Death Hex

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2010

When Nothing Goes Right Go [Left]


Hey for all who read this, I'm looking for offers on my Everlasting Ooze tonic.
Ive seen them sell for 40e+ so I'm looking to sell cheaper at 30e mainly although if I don't get that the next highest offer.

I will also trade for a high req SR BDS doesn't have to be modded or dyed.
(11-13) I will also add in other stuff such as Candy cane shards and minipets and stuff for betetr stuff then this

(I'm not looking to trade this for another EL tonic)

TY for your time and consideration

IGN:Corsair Oppressor