Unded Celestial Rat (edit: and random stuff)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2007

so cal


unded celestial rat (gold)
s/b 1g
b/o tbd

q9 uninsc 20/20 Inscribed (skin) Domination staff
s/b 1g
b/o tbd

q5 tac AL13 insc great conch (gold)
s/b 5k
b/o tbd

q9 insc tatooed scimitar +20 ench
s/b 1k

q10 DF HSR 20%, HCT 10% uninsc Holy Branch +5e, +30
s/b 1k
i'll give it a couple of days, see what gives

ty for looking, leave ign with offer - i'll be in touch when offer is right