Bonus runner?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2010


Enraged Dragons


And like... one mission or two. Because to be blunt I worked my rear off on this character and I really want Protector of Tyria (last campaign to get it for before I can finally start doing HM stuff on her).

And I really hate some of the Tyrian missions/bonuses. I just either a) don't get it, or b) don't have the patience. I'm not an idiot. If you want/need my help on the bonus just let me know.. You will probably have to tell me what to do on some of them because I haven't beaten Tyria in years.

I need bonuses for:

Divinity Coast
Bloodstone Fen
Aurora Glade*
(The mission after that whose name I forgot)*
Sanctum Cay
Dragon's Lair
Iron Mines (If I dont get it done today)

We can discuss prices.

* Means I just honestly don't want to do those missions and will obviously pay more for a full run.

Main char: I Cut Myslf At Nite (Legendary Survivor)

Rushin Roulette

Rushin Roulette

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2007

Right here


Heya, I can offer all those missions for a package of 75K (Missions + Bonus in MN and Survivor friendly) Id only need you to be there for the following missions so that your survivor title is safe;
Aurora Glade to run the crystals towards the end (No fighting and if done right and no agro for you) while I kill the bonus Objective Dragons Lair (You will need to heal yourself in the Degen Room and keep out of the way of Glint for the final fight) Iron Mines (you will have to run yoruself somewhere safe after the cutscene if I remember correctly). Sanctum Cay to resign after the bonus has been completed as I would be doing that mission 2 times (Once for bonus and once for the mission for safety reasons)
You can of course tag along behind the group if you want, but you would have to keep your eyes open for quick mapping incase any Agro pulls to that you would not be able to manage (Not that this should be too likely in NM ).


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2010


Enraged Dragons


oh I already have Legendary Survivor, I meant I havent done missions because I got it through punchout. And I don't need the missions, I just need the bonuses of each except Glint's which obviously you have to do the mission to get to her.

I only need Bloodstone Fen, Divinity coast, Iron Mines, Glint, and Sanctum bonuses.

And the reason I said the Legendary Survivor thing was to explain the name. I already acquired the title. I just occasionally get sick of the "hurr you really cut yourself?" questions.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2009


Hit me up in game "I Like Rootbeer" and we can work out a time and rate, but all NM right? I can do all of those for sure except for Dragon's Lair, but if you co-operate we can do that one too.