Water Djin(1)
B/O: 75k/10e
Water Djinn(2)
B/O: 75k/10e
Water Djinn(3)
B/O: 75k/10e
Black Beast(1)
B/O: 85k/11e
Black Beast(2)
B/O: 85k/11e
Black Beast(3)
B/O: 85k/11e
Dagnar Stonepate
B/O: 90k/12e
Princess Salma
B/O: 20e
Bid Away, reply or contact me in game@
-Quikshot Killur
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The Low End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of less than 100k.
The Mixed prefix is for threads where there is a fairly even split between High End and Low End items.
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WTS gold unded minis
40k ea on all three water djinn's
50k ea on all black beasts
IGN Lash Out And Kill
50k ea on all black beasts
IGN Lash Out And Kill
Retract,bought ingame