Price check needed, this was the best I got with 100 keys.... Thanks in advance!
EDIT: thanks guys!!! Sold katana in spamadan for 35k
PC on 5 Z-chest weapons
Emblazoned - 15-20k
katana -40k
Storm bow - 5-10k
merch shields
katana -40k
Storm bow - 5-10k
merch shields
Bright Star Shine
I'd go more with 20-30k on the katana though..
For the rest, agree with the above. Storm bow isn't worth the effort trying to sell though..
For the rest, agree with the above. Storm bow isn't worth the effort trying to sell though..
~25k katana
~20k emblazoned
Merch the other three items. Dont bother selling the storm bow.
~20k emblazoned
Merch the other three items. Dont bother selling the storm bow.