Ventari's Forum Violation
era il nn morto
EDITED by Darcy for the following Guidelines Violation: EARLY BUMPYou cannot post more than one time per 24 hour period in a thread you created for any reason whatsoever. That is 24 hours, not 23, 22, 21 or 20.
Any post by you in your own thread is considered a bump!
You can always click at the bottom of your posts to respond to posters, or you can contact them ingame or via PM. There is no need for you to make a new post to respond. It is not a daily bump, and you do not get to bump early because you will be gone tomorrow. Because your thread has violated the guidelines your thread is now closed.
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
You can always click at the bottom of your posts to respond to posters, or you can contact them ingame or via PM. There is no need for you to make a new post to respond. It is not a daily bump, and you do not get to bump early because you will be gone tomorrow. Because your thread has violated the guidelines your thread is now closed.
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
withdraw offer
era il nn morto
new c/o added price on minis, added gold items!
The Dutchess Monk
Cele shield q10 tat. +10vs Demons 30k
IGN: The Pina Colada
IGN: The Pina Colada
- q10 zodiac bow 5k
IGN Gnar Polerid
IGN Gnar Polerid
the virus
115e on ded dhuum please.
IGN: The viruss
IGN: The viruss
era il nn morto
bump bump bump
Cele shield q10 tat. +10vs Demons
45k black storm rider
45k black storm rider
era il nn morto
B U M P ! added other golds items! c'mon, buy it
era il nn morto
Bump bump bump
era il nn morto
b u m p p m u b
The Mountain
b/o on fire cele staff if 20/10
calynda danyciar
I'll take the Runic Blade for 15k please
IGN: Calynda Danyciar
IGN: Calynda Danyciar
q9 energy storage suntouched 10k
krigar haly
krigar haly
Rushin Roulette
Ill buy this unded mini please;
terroweb dryder 25k
ign. Deathly Spirited
Thanks for the trade
terroweb dryder 25k
ign. Deathly Spirited
Thanks for the trade
zodiac bow - 5k
IGN Ishana Damari
IGN Ishana Damari
era il nn morto
@the mountain... cele fire is not 20/10.. or i wasn't sell for this low price
i will contact the others for the trade in game, thanks all
and B U M P
i will contact the others for the trade in game, thanks all
and B U M P
20k on crenellated sword