I need some ectos for.... well, I don't have any, that might be the reason. So I'm selling my junk. I'm a bit lazy atm, so just will list what I have. It's s/b 1k each, there are reserves on every item (although with most of them I'm not sure what the reserve is). I won't sell for lowball prices, but you might get a good price on some things
Shadow Shield req10 -3/hex 30hp
Shadow Shield req8 -2/44st SOLD
Emblazoned Defender req11 tac -3/60hex
Emblazoned Defender req12 tac 30hp -2en
Echovald Shield req10 tac. -3/60hex
Ghostly Staff req9 DF 20/20
Fellblade req8 15st
Sephis Axe req8 15en
Chaos Axe req8 15en c/o 30k
Platinum Wand req12 Death 10/10
BDS req9 Air c/o 25e
Shadow Staff req9 Domination 20/20
Jellyfish Wand req10 fire +5nrg^50 hct10%
Cleaver (Canthan Skin) req8 15/-5
GotH req10 tac. -3/hex +10vsSlash
Stone Summit Shield req10 tac. -20disease 30hp
Eagle Defender req8 moti (inscr.)
"glitched" Bronzehead-Spear req13 15en (inherent)
Pronged Fan req9 Soul Reaping [sold via pm for decent b/o]
Pronged Fan req11 Inspiration
Straw Effigy req12 Divine +1/19smiting hct19%smiting
Paperfan req10 Soul Reaping +10ar<50% hrt19% deathmagic c/o 20k r/b 30k b/o 50k
Gothic Defender req9 tac. -2/en -20%Deep Wound c/o 20k r/b 30k b/o 40k
Plagueborn Focus req10 Divine +10ar<50% Hct20%healing
Plagueborn Staff req13 Divine 20/20 Protection
And some more special stuff (s/b 100k each, higher reserves):
purple Dwarven Axe req8 14/en c/o 25e r/b 50e
gold Crystalline req13 19wHex (Tyrian) c/o 35e r/b 40e b/o 60e
Earth Staff req8 20/19 (postnerf! core skin) c/o 100k
Well and 2 goodies I will only let go for a decent price, and I don't know how people will appreciate them:
Wingblade req8 5nrg c/o 160e r/b 200e b/o 300e
Reinforced Buckler req8 tac. -2st -5/20 c/o 50e r/b way higher.... will probably remove from thread
(maybe the only -2/-5 shield in the game! Besides this one I only know of -2st -3/10% or -2st/-3hex; -2st/-3en!)
__________________________________________________ _______________
b/o onlys:
Regular Mesmer Tomes (10 Stacks or so): 40k per stack
Set of 48 Balthasar Flames: 14ecto
Mini Koss: 25k
Mini Ooze: SOLD
If I find some more crap on my account, I will add it.... doubt it though
Hope you all help me get some moneys and find something you like, happy bidding and thanks!