WTB A Host of Services

Net The Nabi

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2008


[LoD] IGN: The Netnabi


Hi all, I'm looking for a few different things on a few different characters and so I figured posting here would be better then going to a bunch of different people in services offered. I ask that we discuss a price before we do the run either here on pm's or in game.

Character #1: Dante Dark of Hell(Necro)
#1. Run to outposts in Desert of Proph
DONE: Courtesy of Faithful Autumn(I hope thats the right name)

Character #2: Net Stranger Danger(Rit)
#1. Run through quests and missions leading up to and including Nahpui Quarter starting from KC.
#2. Run through Quest Sunspears in Cantha(DONE)

Character #3: The Netnabi(Sin)
#1. Run through The Deep

This is all for now but I know I need more and just can't think of it so I will add more as it comes.


Matrix Arcade

Matrix Arcade

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2008

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If you still need it I can do the run to and including Naphui.

IGN: Matrix Arcade