This could be a cash item or a high-end item.
If your party meets the size requirement, you can teleport into any map, not simply outposts, if you have this Teleport Stone.
The benefit of having this stone, is if you want to get to a location to do so requires you going through another map or multiple other maps.
Essentially our normal Map allows us to travel directly to outposts we have unlocked, and this teleport stone would enhance that to allowing us to teleport into the explorable areas we have unlocked, but only if our party size met the requirement, that or it would auto-cut our party size.
Now where you teleport to is important.
There are a couple of ways you could do this.
For one you could make it so that if you had the Teleport Stone you could only teleport to places you have fully explored.
You could make it so that the teleport stone when used in an explorable are opens a window that says
"Teleport" and "Set waypoint"
Setting the Waypoint would make that location the place you teleport to when you teleport to that map at a latter time.
Selecting Teleport brings up that enhanced map.
The problem is this is probably the most abusable for farming.
You could teleport to a resurrection shrine in each map that has been designated by Arena-net. Essentially A-net edits one resurrection shrine in each map to make that the waypoint that you will teleport too.
The location you teleport to could be completely random.
Though those are the options (that came to mind) I would suggest that you teleport only to maps that you have unlocked, the location you teleport to would be a predetermined resurrection shrine, and you would not be able to teleport if you had anyone in your party who had not unlocked the map. You would not be able to teleport to a location if that location has been "red lighted" essentially maps that ignore the entire Teleport stone, if A-net deems that the ability to teleport to them is too much. The Stones teleportation is character based, not account based so you can't teleport to somewhere your other character has gone to if you yourself have not traveled there.
The item is customized to your account, it can't be traded.
With those restrictions the item should be fairly balanced.
People cannot run others to maps across their continent. So a new player won't suddenly end up in Drazach Thicket because he partied up with an older player. Being customized to your account, it won't be sell-able, and being character based prevents the whole instant travel of newly created characters. If the teleporation location is a fixed predetermined location, abusing it becomes much harder since you do not end up wherever you want, and theres no random teleportation to somehow run you through area's after repeated teleportation.
It simply allows you to get to the explorable area you want to play in that you have already unlocked. We know the blessing of having map travel to outposts. A high-end/cash item would be great for efficiency and conserving time.
I think a beneficial location for instance would be teleporting people to the Seer if they have this item, so they can get infused much faster. Though I do believe you must of previously spoken to the Seer before you get that benefit.
Essentially the stone should not make the game "easier" it should make it faster.
Again it could be a cash shop item, that would likely bring in some extra money, or it could be a high-end pve item that would probably stimulate the market.
Teleport Stone.
What if someone in your party hasn't fully explored the area?
And also, explorable areas don't have a party size limit. You can currently run from ToA with a party of 8 into the ascalon areas without ever going into a town and having it force your size down.
And also, explorable areas don't have a party size limit. You can currently run from ToA with a party of 8 into the ascalon areas without ever going into a town and having it force your size down.
What if someone in your party hasn't fully explored the area?
And also, explorable areas don't have a party size limit. You can currently run from ToA with a party of 8 into the ascalon areas without ever going into a town and having it force your size down. |
If we go by the idea that only having unlocked the area is the requirement, it doesn't matter at all only if someone hasn't unlocked the area. If someone has not unlocked the area it would tell you that you cannot teleport, plain and simple.
As far as I recall some area's cannot be accessed by a party of 8 regardless.
Since it would work quite similar to map travel they could be coded the same way as entering an outpost. It will check if it's possible for a party of X-size or have a hard limit of a party of X-size entering.
Embark reach is for missions not explorable areas.
Lithril Ashwalker
...just no ..../unsigned
Bright Star Shine
This idea is completely useless in my opinion. Nightfall and Factions have outposts next to virtually every area (with like 1 exception in Nightfall).. The only usefull place this would be WOULD be proph, but since you can vanquish entire prophecies with 8 players if you want, that's rendered useless too...
And, the beach thingy sounds like a good idea to get PUGs for missions.. Hard to implement though.. Hope they tie an ele + derv update to it..
And, the beach thingy sounds like a good idea to get PUGs for missions.. Hard to implement though.. Hope they tie an ele + derv update to it..
Icy The Mage
Ninja Dude
Current system is fine the way it is, /not signed
talk about LAZY (Diablo??? at least thats where i first remember seeing something like this idea)
sorry but /unsigned
from what i read, this is still to outposts, he is suggesting teleportation to explorable areas
sorry but /unsigned
Johny bravo
Sounds like someone is either trying to skill cap in the mineral springs, or maybe Vanquish Dreadnoughts Drift with 8 people and not have to fight through snake dance
This is just lazy, I know it sucks to have to get to some places but being able to teleport is just a bad idea.
The system is fine the way it is. Suck it up and either have a runner in your party or just push through to get where you are going
This is just lazy, I know it sucks to have to get to some places but being able to teleport is just a bad idea.
The system is fine the way it is. Suck it up and either have a runner in your party or just push through to get where you are going
Shayne Hawke
Your idea appears to be fairly similar to this one. If you think you have something significantly different here, let me know.