Iron Mines of Moladune + Bonus (If possible, Infuse) [20k] (Thank You Zanagi Kazuhiko, Great Run!)
Thunderhead Keep + Bonus (If possible) [25k]
Ring of Fire + Bonus (If possible) [25k]
Abaddon's Mouth + Bonus (If possible) [25k]
Hell's Precipice + Bonus (If possible) [25k]
For EoTN I still need
Against The Destroyers [100k] (Not sure if this can even be done)
- I have completed The Norn Allies, Still Need Asura and some vanguard.
I am paying good as I want this asap and want most done in a quick amount of time. (If this gets done quickly I'm sure there will be tips involved

I will accept by whoever has a better track record (and is a nice person

Please bare in mind that I will most likely be AFK for most of the quests.
Thanks for any help
IGN: Sanquin Bloodarrow