Kiss My Axe


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Storage is overcrowded, so some axes have to go.
Mostly hero-grade stuff with a few quasi-rare things:

(Everything is gold and inscribable unless it says otherwise. Mods are junk unless mentioned.)

1. White Reaver, 14^50 inherent, req 10, purple
2. White Reaver, 15^stance inherent, req 9
3. Serpent Axe, req 9
4. Serpent Axe, req 11, purple
5. Summit Axe, req 9, purple
6. Ancient Axe, req 12
7. (canthan skin) Sickle, 15vsHexed inherent, req 8
8. Victos Axe
9. Gemstone Axe, req 13, purple
10. Great Jagged Reaver, req 9 (mods: 20/20, 15^50, +5AL)
11. Shadow Axe, req 9 (mods: icy, 15^50, +5AL)
12. Shadow Axe, req 9, purple

Starting bid on everything is 1k. The better ones have reserves. Any reasonable buyout offer will be considered. Auction lasts until I get sick of my storage being clogged and sell them to the merchant.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2009


10k on #2 white reaver, interest in b/o on it.

ign: Mzild Zhahn Rivvil


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

If no one else bids on it in the next couple days, I guess it's yours for the 10k.




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


5k 0n 7
15k on 2

Donnie Yen

Donnie Yen

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eastern US

Tears of the Ascended(ToA)


3. Serpent Axe, req 9
offer 5k


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Well, all right. Guess this has gone on long enough. Winners PM me your IGNs please.