I decided i needed some space in my storage so i'm selling some random stuff.
117 Stacks of Eggnog.
Price for each eggnog is 70g, the price for purchases over 7 stacks is 65g and if you buy 20 stacks or more the price is 60g for each eggnog.
719 Spiked Eggnog 210g each.
591 Fruitcakes 140g each
627 Snowman Summoners 120g each
1014 Mischevous Tonics 100g each
123 Yuletide Tonics 120g each
289 Wintergreen Candy Canes 100g each
99 Peppermint Candy Canes 100g each
115 Rainbow Candy Canes Sold
8 Stacks of Bones 1,5k per stack
2 Stacks of Wood Planks 1.5 per stack
Unded Roaring Ether 15k
Unded Heket Warrior Sold
UndedCharr Shaman 15k
Ign Ulfr Airikr
Storage Clearout (Consumables, Minis, Mats)
115 Rainbow Candy Canes 100g each
For me. IGN Arquero Legendarion
For me. IGN Arquero Legendarion
Marty Silverblade
Unded Heket Warrior 5k
Bump Bump Bump
100x Mischevous Tonics 100g each
IGN--> Fearless Shugura
IGN--> Fearless Shugura
Armed Silon
Yuletides 80g/each
IGN Armed Silon IL
IGN Armed Silon IL
Unded Charr Shaman 15k
500 Fruitcakes : 70K
IGN : Wicca Of Shadows
500 Fruitcakes : 70K
IGN : Wicca Of Shadows