Unded Minis


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2011

We Play Cuz We Cant Get [Laid]


Please close this thread... The selling of these items is complete



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


b/o abyssal 8k

Judge Julius

Matirion Maeronta

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2011

Noord-Scharwoude, NL


I would like to buy the four remaining ones (one of each), if they are still available, for the listed prices.
I'll be online in about 9 hours from now, at 20:00 GMT+1
pm me ingame or on the forums.

ign: Matirion Maeronta

Edit: Seeing as it seems we live in completely different timezones, it might be somewhat difficult to contact eachother. However, on friday and saturday I can be online at 1:00 am-2:00 GMT+1 (earlier too, not later though), which is about one/two hours earlier then that you posted this topic. If you are interested in selling them to me, contact me then, or PM me your in-game name on the forums so I can contact you. Sorry for any problems this might cause.