Celestial Shield (Q8 Str, gold, non-insc)
Armor +10 vs Slashing
Broadsword (Q9, gold, non-insc)
+5 energy
PC Q8 Celestial Shield and Q9 Broadsword
Da Tru Legend
Da Tru Legend
Bump! Just need a shield and a sword PC'd now.
Totally not sure on the shield, but it is a nice one so I would say 30e+. Wait for more opinions.
Broadsword is very nice, I sold a q9 inscr one at some 28k not long ago. Yours should fetch 50k+ imo. Lovely skin for casters.
Broadsword is very nice, I sold a q9 inscr one at some 28k not long ago. Yours should fetch 50k+ imo. Lovely skin for casters.
lul personal opinion 20-30k for teh shield. if that
that 1% hurts agreed with above