Trading between GW and GW2
Bright Star Shine
This might look like a silly question, but I was wondering. If GW2 were to be released before we all die of old-age, some people would still be playing GW1. I myself probably too, out of nostalgia every once in a while.
Now my question, would it be considered against the EULA to trade items with someone in GW1 in return for items in GW2?
Because, it is of course the same franchise, but then again you would be trading items in the game for items that are not in the game, which is kind of like trading for IRL items. So, would you cause some kind of quantum collapse in the Anet EULA, or would they shrug and ban you, or would they shrug and let you go on with it?
Here are the pro's and con's that have been listed so far:
*It makes sense, same franchise, same company after all
*If they create a HoM in GW1 with which you can get items for in GW2, decorative or not, it would be sort of strange if they would disapprove of this
*You're not trading for IRL items after all
*It will be done anyway
*It's sort of like trading pre-post (although I don't agree on that myself)
*How would you prove it's not really for IRL items?
*It's still trading for items that are not in the game
*They are different games nonetheless
Now my question, would it be considered against the EULA to trade items with someone in GW1 in return for items in GW2?
Because, it is of course the same franchise, but then again you would be trading items in the game for items that are not in the game, which is kind of like trading for IRL items. So, would you cause some kind of quantum collapse in the Anet EULA, or would they shrug and ban you, or would they shrug and let you go on with it?
Here are the pro's and con's that have been listed so far:
*It makes sense, same franchise, same company after all
*If they create a HoM in GW1 with which you can get items for in GW2, decorative or not, it would be sort of strange if they would disapprove of this
*You're not trading for IRL items after all
*It will be done anyway
*It's sort of like trading pre-post (although I don't agree on that myself)
*How would you prove it's not really for IRL items?
*It's still trading for items that are not in the game
*They are different games nonetheless
Yes. its illegal... . .. .... ..
I don't see why it would be any more illegal than trading something in Pre-Searing for something in Post-Searing. However, there is a big issue with trust (just as with Pre/Post trades), and I don't think ANet would be very helpful if you get ripped off in such a trade. It would be at your own risk.
They are different games so no, it shouldn't be allowed. For example: You can't trade GW items for WoW items.
Bright Star Shine
They are different games so no, it shouldn't be allowed. For example: You can't trade GW items for WoW items.
And, it's perfectly possible to do without trust, you can run both GW1 and GW2 at the same time, and hit accept like first in GW2 before you do in GW1 or something. Besides, the same trust is indeed needed when trading pre-post
It is not illegal but it is against the EULA so far as I know "not that I ever read such things, life's too short and most contracts are extremely long.
So no chance of arrest and trial just a ban for breaking your agreement with anet.
So no chance of arrest and trial just a ban for breaking your agreement with anet.
99% sure its illegal, since its, after all, two different games, even tho its the same company and GW2 is named like a "continuation" of GW1, which it kind of is.
However it wouldnt surprice me if things like that will happen once GW2 is out, especially in the beginning when there's still a bunch of ppl playing GW1 and some fast-progressing ppl wants to make heaps of money on stuff they get. I dont know every detail about the looting system more than it's gonna be same as what we have now with individual drops.
However it wouldnt surprice me if things like that will happen once GW2 is out, especially in the beginning when there's still a bunch of ppl playing GW1 and some fast-progressing ppl wants to make heaps of money on stuff they get. I dont know every detail about the looting system more than it's gonna be same as what we have now with individual drops.
Lady Aranza
Sounds a bit unlikely, someone giving GW2 items away to get GW1 items...
Illegal? No.
Against EULA? Yes. You would get the ban hammer in the face if you get caught.
Against EULA? Yes. You would get the ban hammer in the face if you get caught.
Bright Star Shine
Illegal? No.
Against EULA? Yes. You would get the ban hammer in the face if you get caught. |
And, I don't think it would be that strange. Of course a stack of ecto wouldn't be worth that much but at least you could get something for it..
Too bad, no quantum gap then :P
And, it's easy enough to get away with trading for IRL items already, so I don't think it's gonna be that hard to accomplish in GW2 either.
Lord Mip
I'll put it this way, if you feel the need to justify doing it, it's probably illegal.
Rushin Roulette
They are different games so no, it shouldn't be allowed. For example: You can't trade GW items for WoW items.
The only passage is the one against RMT which is explicitly against real money trading.
Trading items in GW1 against items in GW2 or even WoW isnt against the User agreement as far as I know, you just have to be able to back up your claim against an automatic ban from Anet if you are flagged for suspected RMT actions.
Apart from that it has already been said. It would be like Post/presearing trading. If any problems should arise your on your own.
In summary it is allowed, but be aware that it is risky due to trade flagging from Anet and misused trust from your trade partner which will not be followed up by Anet.
Way i see it - trading items between gw and gw2 will be extremely difficult , gw items may rise slightly in price due to supply and demand but for quite a while gw2 items will be over priced - how can you set a new weapons price in a new game fairly.How will you know youre not being ripped off or scammed and how would you do the trade - open both clients and hope the player just doesnt get his items in gw2 then vanish before its done in gw ?
ANet has banned peeps for trading gw items for wow gold in the past. They will throw the RMT rule at you even if you have proof to back it up. To ANet wow items may as well be real money since people channel guild wars items through wow and wow items/gold can be sold quite easy for real money. I have actually seen it happen before but its far less common now as guild wars is dying of old age. They probably dont give a shit about gw1 and wow trading going on anymore but GW2 will be another story. Unless they say otherwise GW1 and GW2 will be okay but don't do it with games belonging to other companies
Thats the first time Ive ever heard that. lol. Please show the passage in the User Agreement where it states you cant trade items here for (Ingame and free) items from another game.
The only passage is the one against RMT which is explicitly against real money trading. Trading items in GW1 against items in GW2 or even WoW isnt against the User agreement as far as I know, you just have to be able to back up your claim against an automatic ban from Anet if you are flagged for suspected RMT actions. Apart from that it has already been said. It would be like Post/presearing trading. If any problems should arise your on your own. In summary it is allowed, but be aware that it is risky due to trade flagging from Anet and misused trust from your trade partner which will not be followed up by Anet. |
[edited out cause really no need for it to be der now is der?]
Ofc...if anet started looking at trades that involved a stack of ectos and...a single pile of glittering dust...OR...started looking at the amounts of money people are picking up in the isle of the nameless. I think the RMT ban rate would skyrocket.
Bright Star Shine
No, most certainly not, I am too much of a wimp to even consider it, too afraid of a possible ban 
But I know people that have gotten away with it/are still getting away with it, so...
It's cool to see different opinions on this one.. I actually wonder what Anet would have to say about this *hint, Regina*. But they're probably to preoccupied with other things to bother to read this...

But I know people that have gotten away with it/are still getting away with it, so...
It's cool to see different opinions on this one.. I actually wonder what Anet would have to say about this *hint, Regina*. But they're probably to preoccupied with other things to bother to read this...
I'm sure that guru admins will be asking for a ruling at some point as this won't be the last time this question arises. But ArenaNet won't be in a rush to make that ruling until it's gone through their legal department.
I have a difficult time understanding, how giving something to my friend, like a couple of stacks of ectos and or 200,000 gold, can be mistaken for RMT. A one sided trade, whether it is a single Glittering Dust or a stack of ectos, does not say, "Hey look at me! I am trading real money for in game items!"
How would they detect me giving you a GW item and you giving me a GW2 item and call it a trade?
How would they detect me giving you a GW item and you giving me a GW2 item and call it a trade?
I have a difficult time understanding, how giving something to my friend, like a couple of stacks of ectos and or 200,000 gold, can be mistaken for RMT. A one sided trade, whether it is a single Glittering Dust or a stack of ectos, does not say, "Hey look at me! I am trading real money for in game items!"
How would they detect me giving you a GW item and you giving me a GW2 item and call it a trade? |
Now my question, would it be considered illegal to trade items with someone in GW1 in return for items in GW2?
Whether or not that would be contrary to the EULA would be up to ANet. (It's not "illegal" in strictly legal sense.)
Bright Star Shine
Changed OP to "against the EULA" because ppl were starting to annoy me :P.
Well, I dunno how they track it, but 1 way trades can be detected and then they monitor you I guess... I think the easiest way is still go in an explorable and drop the items (again, I've never done it, and not planning to either)
Well, I dunno how they track it, but 1 way trades can be detected and then they monitor you I guess... I think the easiest way is still go in an explorable and drop the items (again, I've never done it, and not planning to either)
Kumu Honua
This will not be permitted. Much like the sale of "Aion Wing Codes" was not permitted. If you get reported you will get suspended.
Experience? Yes. I dodged a suspension when I reported someone who scammed me for an Aion wing code. (Before I was aware that it was not permitted). I too figured. In game cash for another game item, gotta be legal.
Experience? Yes. I dodged a suspension when I reported someone who scammed me for an Aion wing code. (Before I was aware that it was not permitted). I too figured. In game cash for another game item, gotta be legal.
No matter what will be the official Anet ruling on it I easily see there WILL be an enormous lots of such trades done.
There will be huge demand for GW2 items/currency because it's all new and there will be obvious demand for GW1 HoM items or currency among GW2 players who happen to have an GW1 account. And the exchange rates will be really fun to look at
There will be huge demand for GW2 items/currency because it's all new and there will be obvious demand for GW1 HoM items or currency among GW2 players who happen to have an GW1 account. And the exchange rates will be really fun to look at

Thats the first time Ive ever heard that. lol. Please show the passage in the User Agreement where it states you cant trade items here for (Ingame and free) items from another game.
The only passage is the one against RMT which is explicitly against real money trading. Trading items in GW1 against items in GW2 or even WoW isnt against the User agreement as far as I know, you just have to be able to back up your claim against an automatic ban from Anet if you are flagged for suspected RMT actions. |
However the leap between real money and ingame items of other games isn't as big as you make out. Yes you could look at it on one scale and say that the rule only applies to existing global currencies in circulation, but yet it would be ok if I trade my req9 Shortbow for four loaves of bread and a can of beer.
Or you can simply look at it as all trades should be conducted in game in exchange for other in game items and any trades that are for items external are a big no no.
The only time real money comes in are because people are selling something that doesn't belong to them for profit.
So you can have items in GW that influence GW2 trough HoM, but you can't trade between them. I somehow doubts Anet is going to forbid it, as it most likely will improve their sales (being it by a very little bit). I'd think there are some people that go, hey what the hack I'll by gw, get to HoM quickly and trade a full HoM package from some superspecial gw2 sword and get that rockfur racoon I wanted so badly.
So perhabs Anet will state that they will do not do anything to improve/make it more easy to trade between games, and will leave it to players their own risks?
So perhabs Anet will state that they will do not do anything to improve/make it more easy to trade between games, and will leave it to players their own risks?
I dont think we will be able to trade between games because GW2 is like 250 yrs after GW1. so i dont think it is possible
unless of course ur talking about the way ppl trade stuff in pre. pre item for post gold or post gold for pre money
unless of course ur talking about the way ppl trade stuff in pre. pre item for post gold or post gold for pre money
One of the main ideas of Guild Wars two was to start fresh.
In all fairness the onl legal way you could do this would be give someone an item... for free
and they give u a service in other game for free. Thats the only way you can justify this, but dont go complaining to Anet as this idea is also very open to scams
In all fairness the onl legal way you could do this would be give someone an item... for free
and they give u a service in other game for free. Thats the only way you can justify this, but dont go complaining to Anet as this idea is also very open to scams
Spike Stritter
So you can have items in GW that influence GW2 trough HoM, but you can't trade between them.
Point is this discussion can go back and forth forever but until there is like some official word on it, no real conclusion will be reached.
Bright Star Shine
Well, at least you can discuss it, see how people think of it, pro's con's etc..
Thanks for moving the thread btw.
Again, it would make sense if it would be ok, but it also would make sense if it wouldn't be.
It's not like post-pre trading imo, since there you trade stuff from the same accounts (although GW2-GW1 accounts are sort of the same too).. But also the argument from the HoM thingy makes sense too.
It will most certainly be done (a reason why I'm holding on to my pile of ecto's^^) but I would like to know if Anet already thought about it, and what their thoughts were. Because, it's such a strange matter..
Thanks for moving the thread btw.
Again, it would make sense if it would be ok, but it also would make sense if it wouldn't be.
It's not like post-pre trading imo, since there you trade stuff from the same accounts (although GW2-GW1 accounts are sort of the same too).. But also the argument from the HoM thingy makes sense too.
It will most certainly be done (a reason why I'm holding on to my pile of ecto's^^) but I would like to know if Anet already thought about it, and what their thoughts were. Because, it's such a strange matter..
Black Metal
it's only illegal if you get caught
so be smart and make it look legit -- I trade between my alt accounts every day and haven't been 'caught' (I put quotes on that because there's nothing wrong with doing this)
so be smart and make it look legit -- I trade between my alt accounts every day and haven't been 'caught' (I put quotes on that because there's nothing wrong with doing this)
No matter what will be the official Anet ruling on it I easily see there WILL be an enormous lots of such trades done.
There will be huge demand for GW2 items/currency because it's all new and there will be obvious demand for GW1 HoM items or currency among GW2 players who happen to have an GW1 account. And the exchange rates will be really fun to look at ![]() |
Pro = GW1 will still be active after GW2 release
Spike Stritter
Well, at least you can discuss it, see how people think of it, pro's con's etc..
Thanks for moving the thread btw. |
And you're welcome

I've heard that the stuff in HoM is all decorative and just for looks (titles and minipets). However, the armor and weapons you get seems to make me believe otherwise.
You can't get lvl80 armor on lvl3
So, yes, it is purely cosmetic.
First of all where does it say that players from GW2 will be able to interact/trade with players from GW1 anyway? They are two different games and intities there shouldn't be any way to trade or interact in any way between the two. The HOM is merely there for bonuses in GW2 not for interaction.
The trades the OP is talking about don't involve a character in one game trading with a character in the other. This is like trading between pre- and post-searing, where both players have pre-searing characters and both have post-searing characters. The two pre-searing characters trade with each other, then the two post-searing characters trade with each other.
In this case, both players would need to have characters in both games.
In this case, both players would need to have characters in both games.
Just Sai
well, player to player for self benefit without effort should be stomped on.
but as an afterthought...
what if you could "bury" an item from your gw1 account, then go dig it up 250 years later in gw2
i find minor irony in this
... 250 years later in gw2
seems to be taking that long to be released to us
but as an afterthought...
what if you could "bury" an item from your gw1 account, then go dig it up 250 years later in gw2
i find minor irony in this
... 250 years later in gw2
seems to be taking that long to be released to us
I "insert name here" being of sound mind.
Leave all my worldly goods to my next decendant that bears my illustrious name.
Ok that should fix it assuming the xunlai people have kept it all in magical stasis and haven't gone bust in the meanwhile.
Leave all my worldly goods to my next decendant that bears my illustrious name.
Ok that should fix it assuming the xunlai people have kept it all in magical stasis and haven't gone bust in the meanwhile.
Bright Star Shine
what if you could "bury" an item from your gw1 account, then go dig it up 250 years later in gw2
i find minor irony in this ... 250 years later in gw2 |
Ok, since indeed no-one is either giving pro-cons i'll make a little list:
*It makes sense, it's the same game, same franchise, same company after all
*If HoM can be used to transfer items, this should be sort of correct-ish too
*You're not trading for IRL items after all
*It will be done anyway
*How would you check/prove it?
*It's still trading for items that are not in the game
P.S.: For the historical correctness, that one is flawed too, because with dragons rupturing the planet, peninsula's rising from the seas and demons walking around, your buried items will either be buried beneath a dragon's bathroom, or underneath a horde of demons, or they plowed the ground and it would be gone. Therefor, no historically, it won't be possible either^^
EDIT: I'll put the pro's/con's in OP
Im curious about that too. They would need some kind of evidence of it being an actual "illegal trade" befor they can ban ppl for it. But where do they get that kind of evidence? Sure they prolly can ready chatlogs and see if there's any discussion going on or has been going on about it, but if not?