How do you deal with a run with no drops?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005


I've been casually farming FOW this week for obsidian. I don't usually farm for a specific item and it breaks my heart when I get 0 drops in a run. Of course, the average drops per run is pretty reasonable but it still crushes me when I don't get a drop. What keeps you farming after a bad run or a series of bad runs?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2009

My mother's basement.


'The next run will be shit, but whatever, I've got nothing better to do anwyays'

^Something like that. ;p



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2010




Originally Posted by Lortext View Post
What keeps you farming after a bad run or a series of bad runs? The law of large numbers


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2010


Usually take some time to visit a different area. Or visit Fort Aspenwood a couple times to break the monotony.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2007

Dynasty Of The Immortals


I'm not sure what kind of farm you're doing, but if you want pretty good drops, do T1 for FoWSC. I usually get 2 or 3 per run, though sometimes I will get 0 or even 4.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005


I do spirit farming of the beach and spider cave and that is about 1-4 shards per run as well.

Roan, the cold arms of mathematics don't console me when I get a handful of bad runs in a row. That usually calls for a snack break.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2009

The House of Wolfblood


If it seems my luck has run dry I usually just go drown my warrior in booze for a little while. Maybe observe GvG or HA while I do so THAT doesn't become to boring as well.

Basically if you aren't getting what you want just stop and do something else. Because eventually it might make you mad, which leads to mistakes, which leads to epic fails, etc.

The point of a game is to have fun, if you are not doing that, switch what you are doing and come back another day when you feel lucky.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2006




it's all luck imho, + I keep farming cus I want to make sure my times on the assa roles get faster in FoWsc. So the guild/ally runs go smooth


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007


if i do a few runs anywhere an the drops decrease i tend to do a reset run - eg if farming in cantha i`ll do a fast run from seuting to shing jea then return to farming.Reason is somewhere there was a discussion that if you go thru a diff zone it sort of deflags ( only way i can describe it ) you farming same place constantly - may date back to old anti farm code but it does seem to work in general.I also do this with vaetires - i use 3 merch stones for what i call my runs - when all are used and im full i rezone bk to gh or longeyes , empty then run back and the run thru bjora seems to reset things.
This is only my own experiance and as always things differ with each player .



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2008


dont think about getting drops and you will start getting drops, atleast for me.

Silvia Shadowback

Silvia Shadowback

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2008

Sleeping at Worlds [End]


Typically, I find that throwing the computer out a window and then plugging back in makes every drop come my way.

Seriously though, just take a break and come back later. Nothing more to really do.

Horus Moonlight

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006


How do you deal with a run with no drops?
