Having a final sort out as I push to get HoM complete. Starting with these golds, which are the most 'interesting' of what I have found so far. Will add more as I sort things out. Generally if no further bids are received for 48 hours I will sell to high bidder, so long as I am happy with the price.
1b: Plagueborn Staff q10 curses C/O
3: Mursaat Hammer q9 +15st C/O 10K Pure Killin
6: Fiery Blade Axe q9 insc C/O
7: Eternal Bow q10 +15 ench C/O
8: Echovald Shield q9 +45st, -2 ench C/O 100K Gabriel of Ravn
10: Colossal Pick q9 +15-5e C/O 20K Vapor Fighter
11: Celestial Longbow q9 +5e C/O
12: Brute Sword q8 +15-10arm C/O 15e Todeshand
13: Aegis q9 insc C/O
14: Wicked Blade q9 +15-10arm C/O
Dagnar Stonepate unded
Destroyer unded C/O 20e LapaEugene ..... Would like a little more so will wait and see
Celestial Pig unded C/O 70e Shady Guy ..... Would like a little more so will wait and see
Pig unded
Grawl ded
Ceratadon ded
Nian unded C/O 10K Vlad ..... Would like a little more so will wait and see
100 Glacial stones
Will spend the next couple of days trying to contact, these good folks by PM and ingame, if I have no joy I will put items back for offers.
1a: Plagueborn Staff q9 Water C/O 20K Shady Guy
1c: Plagueborn Staff q9 fire C/O 20K Shady Guy
2: Blessed Chalice q8 insc C/O 75K Shady Guy
1d: Plagueborn Staff q9 illusion C/O 15K LapaEugene
Amulet of the Mists x 3 C/O 4K each LapaEugene
Droknar's Key x 4 C/O 5K each LapaEugene (Sorry to Mesmers are Bad, 48 hours had passed with no outbid so I will stick by what I said)
Deldrimor Talisman x 4 C/O 4K each LapaEugene
Book of Secrets x 4 C/O 4K each LapaEugene
Yakkington unded C/O 30e tasha.... Contacted tasha by PM when no more bids were received and agreed a price. Sorry Qq I hadn't seen your bid.
4: Mursaat Bow q9 +20 hexed C/O 40K Val Karye
5: Jade Sword q9 15^50 C/O 15K Nightmare of Death
9: Defender q7 -2st,reduce blind 20 C/O 100K+60e Gladiator Motoko