Closed: Unconditional Brute, Dual Vamps

The Baphomet

The Baphomet

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2009

CST / UTC -6

In Memorium [iBot]


brute is q9 15-21 15%
EDIT: I asked to see it again and it was 15% -1 energy regen

q9 15% -1hp colossal pick

q9 15% -1hp piercing axe

q9 15% -1hp jitte

I got the colossal for only 5k and already customized. I am just curious of what it might be worth.

The piercing and jitte I have no idea what they're worth (or if dual vamp jitte exists for that matter) and I would like to know price range before I search.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jan 2010

wtb vs Dragons shields!

Vengeance Of The Night


Jitte is deff 30e+, damn nice sword.
Axe is 50k+.

Unconditional Brute... I don't even dare to PC that. A lot. A LOT lot.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2008


thats nice brute probably 500e+imo with interest, hasnt been unconditionals up for sale lately so price might be slightly lower or much much higher

piercing axe 15-25k

colossal pick 30kish-40k wouldnt have been that much

jitte 15e

Bright Star Shine

Bright Star Shine

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2009


Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


I wouldn't touch that uncod with a 10 foot pole.. It might be a lot, it might be a lot less than it should be.. Also, I think Todie is gonna be happy to add this to his uncod list..

the rest, dunno if dualvamp hammers go for anything.. so gonna be a hard sale, and it looks ridiculous too, that ain't a hammer, it's barely an axe.. more tooth-pick ish...

Yeah, the jitte might be 15-30e-ish, anywhere in that range.



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

Jitte 20-30eish probably
Piercing axe 50k+
Colossal nothing rly

Uncond. Impossible value. brute is wanted skin. 15% is awesome. 1dmg wont matter much as its for collectibility mostly.. Id say someting like.. hmm.. hard to tell. depends intrest.. if was mine id custo, if id need sell i would ask atleast 2-3ke+