Gothic Defender
Tender Care
Hi folks,
not sure this gothic defender is worth anything but i'd like a PC anyway:
Gothic Defender (gold) non inscribable obviously!
req 9 strenght, AR 16
-2 dmg^ stance, +44hp^ enchant
thanx in advance
EDIT: found another Gothic Defender---> req 10 strenght, 29hp, -3^hex
not sure this gothic defender is worth anything but i'd like a PC anyway:
Gothic Defender (gold) non inscribable obviously!
req 9 strenght, AR 16
-2 dmg^ stance, +44hp^ enchant
thanx in advance
EDIT: found another Gothic Defender---> req 10 strenght, 29hp, -3^hex
Bright Star Shine
Eeeewww, mixed!! You know how these go :P Not good, especially not if one of em is 1 off..
50k ish imo
50k ish imo
Tender Care
an other idea about this shield??
EDIT: found another Gothic Defender---> req 10 strenght, 29hp, -3^hex
worth anything this?
EDIT: found another Gothic Defender---> req 10 strenght, 29hp, -3^hex
worth anything this?
Matrix Arcade
Mixed mods make most people OMGWTFBBQQ, myself included. Especialy when one of 'm is 1 off max. Pleikki, only people like us merch that kinda stuff, most people will stick it in sell and spam their lifes away trying TO GET MONIES OUT OF IT GEE-ZUS.
PErsonally id merch it O.o mixed eww and not even max
Maybe someone wud pay 20kish tho
Maybe someone wud pay 20kish tho
Da Tru Legend
Never fail to underestimate the stupidity of people. It's a Q9 Str <rare Factions skin> shield that has two nearly perfect mods. It can sell for 50k+ in Kamadan once you find somebody interested enough in buying a <rare Factions skin> shield, which often isn't too hard. I've done this more times than I can count...
superraptors useless as it is someone would pay 20k-40k for it
Agree with Tru as well..... 40-50k for the mixed one, actually had someone offer me 20e for an echo like that once, sold it ofc
The 29 -3 hexed could get 20e or so
You fail at selling Plekki ;P
The 29 -3 hexed could get 20e or so
You fail at selling Plekki ;P
I sold Hexed Gothic like that except r9 for 25e sometime
So guess r10 15-20e
So guess r10 15-20e
Turk The Legendary
The q9 str is worth a minimum of 100k, Anything less is robbery
Bright Star Shine
i sold a r12 str gold echo single mod (-3/hex) for 15k last night, so nothing is impossible....20-40k is quite doable
Turk The Legendary
gothic 10-15e, anything is a bonus imo