Closed: PC on some high/low end stuff


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006



Hi. I need price check on some of my stuff. Most of it is non-inc i dropped more than 3 years ago.

1.(inc) primitive staff Q9(communing)
2.(non-inc) Eternal shield Q9(strenght),+43hp in stance, +10 armor vs fire
3.(inc) Bronze daggers Q11.
4.(non-inc)Eternal shield Q9(strenght),+42hp in stance, -6 physical dmg(20%)
5.(inc) Composite bow Q9.
6.(inc) Kournan defender Q9(strenght).
7.(non-inc) Eternal shield Q9(strenght), +41hp in stance, physical dmg -2 in stance
8.(inc) Storm Artifact Q9(air)
9.(non-inc) Eternal bow Q9, 15/-5energy, penetration 20/20, 30hp.
10.(non-inc) Ivory bow Q11, 19<50, lenghtens bleeding, armor+7 elemental
11.(inc) Purse shield Q10(tactics)
12.(non-inc) Jade longbow Q11, 15/-5energy, lenghtens cripple
13.(non-inc) Fellblade Q10, 15^50, lenghtens poison, armor+7 elemental
14.(non-inc) Grim cesta Q10(death magic), armor +5^50, hp+60 while hexed.
15.(inc) Greater Sage Blade Q13
16.(non-inc) Battlepick Q11, 15/stance, +20% vs giants.
17.(inc) Platinum broadsword Q12
18.(inc) Archais Maul Q11
19.(inc) Great conch Q13(tactics)
20.(inc) Divine symbol Q12(divine favor)
21.(inc) Runic hammer Q9
22.(non-inc) Featheres Longbow Q9, 15/-10 armor(while attacking), vampiric
23.(inc) Elemental sword Q10
24.(inc) Darkwing defender Q13(tactics)
25.(inc) Ornate scythe Q12
26.(inc) Briarwood scythe Q9
27.(non-inc) Blue Crystalline Q10, dmg+18% while hexed, AP 20/17, enchaments 20%
28.(non-inc) Storm Bow Q13, 15/-5energy, enchaments 19%
29.(inc) Vabbian scimitar Q10
30.(non-inc) Jade longbow Q8, 15/-5energy, marksmanship+1/19%
31.(inc) Boar scepter Q10(spawning)
32.(inc) Holy rod Q9(divine)
33.(inc) Holy rodQ13(divine)
34.(non-inc) Dragon kamas Q11, ebon, 15/-5energy, 29hp
35.(non-inc) Zodiac daggers Q10, 15/enchanted, 29hp
36.(non-inc) Grinning recurve bow Q9, 15/stance, AP 20/19, armor+7 elemental
37.(non-inc) Jade Longbow Q8, 15/enchanted, lenghtens poison, armor+7 elemental
38.(non-inc) Zodiac daggers Q8, 15/enchanted, vampirit, armor+7 elemental
39.(non-inc) Dead Bow Q8, 14/enchanted, zealous, armor+7 elemental
40.(non-inc) Oni daggers Q8, 15/enchanted, lenghetens daze, armor+%
41.(non-inc) Shadow Bow Q11, energy+5
42.(inc) Smiting rod Q9
43.(non-inc) Ironwing Flatbow Q9, 15^50, 30hp.
44.(non-inc) Eternal bow Q8, 15/stance, armor+5, lenghtens poison.
45.(inc) Dolyak prod staff Q10(Air)
46.(non-inc) Longsword Q8, 15/stance, adrenaline 10%, armor+5
47.(inc) Serpentine Reaver Q11
48.(inc) Scepter of forgotten Q9(spawning)

@Bright Star Shine
Thanks a lot. Sry for such a big list but i started playing again after 3 years break and found all of this stuff stored all over my chars and was just hoping to get some extra cash for it.

Bright Star Shine

Bright Star Shine

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2009


Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


Originally Posted by Oldish View Post
Hi. I need price check on some of my stuff. Most of it is non-inc i dropped more than 3 years ago.

1.(inc) primitive staff Q9(communing) Merch
2.(non-inc) Eternal shield Q9(strenght),+43hp in stance, +10 armor vs fire 20k
3.(inc) Bronze daggers Q11. merch
4.(non-inc)Eternal shield Q9(strenght),+42hp in stance, -6 physical dmg(20%) -6? Lol, typo I hope, 25-35k
5.(inc) Composite bow Q9.merch
6.(inc) Kournan defender Q9(strenght).merch
7.(non-inc) Eternal shield Q9(strenght), +41hp in stance, physical dmg -2 in stance20k
8.(inc) Storm Artifact Q9(air)merch
9.(non-inc) Eternal bow Q9, 15/-5energy, penetration 20/20, 30hp.10-15k
10.(non-inc) Ivory bow Q11, 19<50, lenghtens bleeding, armor+7 elementalmerch, why did you even ask this one?
11.(inc) Purse shield Q10(tactics)merch
12.(non-inc) Jade longbow Q11, 15/-5energy, lenghtens cripplemerch
13.(non-inc) Fellblade Q10, 15^50, lenghtens poison, armor+7 elementalmerch/5-10k
14.(non-inc) Grim cesta Q10(death magic), armor +5^50, hp+60 while hexed.lmerch
15.(inc) Greater Sage Blade Q13merch
16.(non-inc) Battlepick Q11, 15/stance, +20% vs giants.merch
17.(inc) Platinum broadsword Q12merch
18.(inc) Archais Maul Q11merch
19.(inc) Great conch Q13(tactics)merch
20.(inc) Divine symbol Q12(divine favor)merch
21.(inc) Runic hammer Q9merch
22.(non-inc) Featheres Longbow Q9, 15/-10 armor(while attacking), vampiricmerch
23.(inc) Elemental sword Q10merch
24.(inc) Darkwing defender Q13(tactics)merch
25.(inc) Ornate scythe Q12merch
26.(inc) Briarwood scythe Q9merch
27.(non-inc) Blue Crystalline Q10, dmg+18% while hexed, AP 20/17, enchaments 20%Blue cryssie? Not touching this one with a 10 foot pole...
28.(non-inc) Storm Bow Q13, 15/-5energy, enchaments 19%merch
29.(inc) Vabbian scimitar Q10merch
30.(non-inc) Jade longbow Q8, 15/-5energy, marksmanship+1/19%10k
31.(inc) Boar scepter Q10(spawning)merch
32.(inc) Holy rod Q9(divine)merch
33.(inc) Holy rodQ13(divine)merch
34.(non-inc) Dragon kamas Q11, ebon, 15/-5energy, 29hpmerch
35.(non-inc) Zodiac daggers Q10, 15/enchanted, 29hp5-10k
36.(non-inc) Grinning recurve bow Q9, 15/stance, AP 20/19, armor+7 elemental10k
37.(non-inc) Jade Longbow Q8, 15/enchanted, lenghtens poison, armor+7 elemental10k
38.(non-inc) Zodiac daggers Q8, 15/enchanted, vampirit, armor+7 elemental30-40k
39.(non-inc) Dead Bow Q8, 14/enchanted, zealous, armor+7 elementalmerch
40.(non-inc) Oni daggers Q8, 15/enchanted, lenghetens daze, armor+%30-50k
41.(non-inc) Shadow Bow Q11, energy+5merch
42.(inc) Smiting rod Q9merch
43.(non-inc) Ironwing Flatbow Q9, 15^50, 30hp.50k
44.(non-inc) Eternal bow Q8, 15/stance, armor+5, lenghtens poison.25k
45.(inc) Dolyak prod staff Q10(Air)merch
46.(non-inc) Longsword Q8, 15/stance, adrenaline 10%, armor+530-40k
47.(inc) Serpentine Reaver Q11merch
48.(inc) Scepter of forgotten Q9(spawning)That one's actually pretty rare, but barely anyone knows that, so it's actually worth like 50k, but gl getting 20k for it..
God I hate it when ppl post a list like this.

General rule, for every q9 inscr common skin I will say merch, but you can get ~5k for it, but gl on it.

Some stuff might also go for like 5k, but i'm saving you the effort



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2010

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]


looks like bright did all the long work on this one :P and i pretty much agree with all of them

37.(non-inc) Jade Longbow Q8, 15/enchanted, lenghtens poison, armor+7 elemental10k
do think you could get a bit more out of this tho



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005

27.(non-inc) Blue Crystalline Q10, dmg+18% while hexed ... <<-- how is that even possible??? are you sure it's blue not purple?
if purple then ~30k
if blue then much more, impossible to tell.

Bright Star Shine

Bright Star Shine

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2009


Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


Originally Posted by pedrobds View Post
looks like bright did all the long work on this one :P and i pretty much agree with all of them

37.(non-inc) Jade Longbow Q8, 15/enchanted, lenghtens poison, armor+7 elemental10k
do think you could get a bit more out of this tho
How jolly and fun a q8 bow might be, 15^ench is worthless to rangers, so unless someone desperately needs this for his collection, don't think you'll get anything for it.. 10k might be a bit low, but I would sell if I got a 30k offer..


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006



It sold for 10k after just a few mins so i guess i should have charged a bit more for it.
Yawgmoth, my bad - it's purple of course.

Thanks for help guys.

Bright Star Shine

Bright Star Shine

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2009


Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


Originally Posted by Oldish View Post
It sold for 10k after just a few mins so i guess i should have charged a bit more for it.
Yawgmoth, my bad - it's purple of course.

Thanks for help guys.
Was saving you the time to try to sell it for more :P At least now you can use the time you saved spamming in Kama to do more fun stuff^^