Closed: PC on Bladed Shield



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jan 2010

wtb vs Dragons shields!

Vengeance Of The Night


Hey guys,

How much would a q9 inscr tac Bladed Shield be? Does it even come as inscr?
And OS - how much would a, say, 30/10ar vs dmg type, 45^ench/-2ench or 30/-2ench be, q9 Tactics or Strength? Or some monomod ones, with 30hp only or 45^ench only?

I suddenly decided that I like it far better than the Tormented, so would like to get one (or more...).

EDIT: Thanks for the replies, guys. Got a Bartholos' Bulwark, I think this will satisfy my want for these shields for now.

Bright Star Shine

Bright Star Shine

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2009


Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


Doesn't come with inscription

30/10ar with q9 tac or str will easily cost you 80e/piece if not more

45/-2 or 30/-2 would be 50-60e ish I think, if not more

Monomods, 20k tops



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2008


well.. u can get a inscr for 6 rp pvp only

a perfect one may cost you a stack of ectos or possibly more

well bladed shields drop from minister chos mission hardmode along with all other canthan standard skins, drop from jade, am fah and sorts



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2010

Somewhere far away from you

The Mirror of Reason[SNOW]


Sold some high end collector stuff to a collector a while back. We got to talking and long story short he showed me some bladed shields after I told him it was my favorite shield. Among his collection was a q9 str +30/-2 stance. Would have bought it but he wanted 500e. Tactics +30/-2 would probably be around 200-300e and +30/+10al around 100e+ easily. They are incredibly rare since they only drop from a few foes and only forbidden/canthan chests and very few perfects exist with a low req. I have seen more perfect echovalds than bladeds.



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

Duh. They dont come inscri..

R9 stre 30/-2st ~500-600e, r9 tac 30/-2st ~250e
r9 tac 30/-2ench ~200-250e r9 stre 30/-2ench ~200-300e
r9 stre 45/-2st ~ 150e r9 tac 45/-2ench ~100-150e
30/10ars.. Any req 100e+/ea r9 ones 200e+ Imo

Those are my opinions.. Theyre real hard to find. as ive owned several nice ones amonst the years, been pain to find