Never Failed At Counting [nfac] is a SC based International guild.
We have a small alliance and are in the process of growing, but numbers are solid so far. Our members are active and chatty, and always willing to help. We enjoy all aspects of PvE but our main interests are as following.
-Sinway Dungeon SC's,
-DoASC starting soon - (Trenchway + Frostway.)
The only requirement is that you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working mic.
We look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions or would like to join, please contact one of the following in-game
Mistress Of Doa
Slugger Man
Vylo Van Vaabi
First Alto Sax
Also, our website is in the process of being made, but nevertheless, here it is ->
PvE: Never Failed At Counting [nfac]