Ebon Cleaver q9 15^50 +30hp 8k
Butterfly Mirror q9 inspiration +30hp Man for all seasons 5k
Furious Foehammer q12 15^50 +30hp* 5k
Earth Scroll q10 +45hp^ench not the face 5k
Chaos Axe q13 20/20% +1/20%* 5k
Zealous Greater Dark Scimitar of Deathbane q10 15^50 8k
Sundering Storm Bow q11 15^50 +30hp* 8k
Hale Soul Spire q9 +30hp +43hp while ench Too Much Information 6k
Ebon Celestial Sword q9 15^50 +30hp 10k
Zealous Emerald Edge q11 15^50 +30hp s/b=8k
Gothic Axe q9 15^50 +30hp* s/b=15k b/o=30k
Bazzr's Wail 2k
Fendi's Rod 2k
Fendi's Focus x2 2k/ea
Cyndr's Heart 2k
Spiriteater 1k
Ilsundur's Focus 2k
Gravel of the Nephilm 3k
Falahrn's Split Chakrams 3k
Sunreach's Shield 5k
Mallyx's Divinity x2 3k/ea
Mallyx's Perpetuity 3k
Mallyx's Creation 3k
Stygian Scythe 6k
Stygian Wand 3k
Inspired Ghostly Staff x2 5k/ea
Oola's Wand 3k
Oola's Focus 3k
Sword Pommel of Warding 500g
Sword Pommel of Swordsmanship x2 2k/ea
Sword Pommel of Deathbane 5k
Furious Sword Hilt 1k
Crippling Sword Hilt 500g
Poisonous Sword Hilt 500g
Icy Sword Hilt x2 500g/ea
Vampiric Sword Hilt 500g
Zealous Bowstring 1k
Ebon Bowstring 500g
Bow Grip of Fortitude 4k
Wand Wrapping of Quickening 10% 500g
Wand Wrapping of Memory 2k
Focus Core of Fortitude x2 2k/ea
Defensive Staff Head 500g
Hale Staff Head 1k
Staff Wrapping of Tenguslaying 15% 2k
Dagger Handle of Enchanting 2k
Dagger Handle of Fortitude x2 2k
Vampiric Dagger Tang 500g
Sundering Dagger Tang 2k
Leaf on the Wind 1k
Seize the Day x2 1k/ea
Cast Out the Unclean 500g
Run for Your Life 500g
Vengeance is Mine 500g
Strenght and Honor 500g
Dedicated Minis:
Terrorweb Dryder 5k
Scourage Manta 5k
Nornbear 5k
Elf 5k
Shard Wolf 5k
Cave Spider 2k
Krait Neoss 5k
Ooze 5k
Freezie 5k
Koss 5k
Stone Summit Giant 5k
Word Of Madness 5k
Desert Griffon 5k
Murssat 5k
Cobalt Scabara 5k
27x Onyx
2x Stack of Tanned Hide Squares
2x Stack of Wood Planks +92
65x Steel Ingots
15x Lumps of Charcoal
10x Spiritwood Planks
2x Diamonds
42x Scales
73x Chitin Fragments
Margonite Gems x26 2k/ea
Stygian Gems x5 3k/ea
Glacial Stones x39
Map Piece Pack for Korin quest x4 1k/ea
Primeval Armor Remnants x7 5k/ea
Hammer of Kathandrax x0 2k/ea
Leave ur ign and price if u dont aggre with mine
* - this mean item is not inscriptable
If u have any question send me a message or contact me in game
IGN: Ola The Asassin Pl