I still play Guild Wars because...
. . . I'm new and want my moneys worth.
Arieon Ito
The first time I tried to play this game, after a few hours of trying with a friend (who talked me into buying it) I was ready to give up. I just couldn't seem to grasp what the hell I was suppose to do, and how to do it right.
Now after 54 months and 5076 hours of game time, this is what I remember... How proud I was of myself the first time I got Legendary Survivor. I jumped out of my chair and did a dance when I reached 'Kind of a big deal' title. To others that wont seem like a big accomplishment, but to me, It was huge. I continue to play this game because it's a challenge for me, I'm not as good at it as most are, but, I play with my heroes and henchies at my own pace and I just really enjoy it. |
Unfortunately guild wars is not the game it use to be, people no longer read the lore, they no longer take their time to enjoy the work put into making it, people no longer make their own builds, Guild wars has became a communist community of the blind and stupid. As of 5 minutes ago, i no longer play guild wars. I started shortly after release and i no longer find the game fun. I made someone else guild leader i said my goodbyes, and now I'm off. There is a strong chance i wont go back and if the same sort of thing happens to guild wars 2 I have no intention of buying it.
A small guild of people you know is always better than a big guild of people you don't.
A small guild of people you know is always better than a big guild of people you don't.
......I'm waitting for GW2,but wont wait much longer.
i cant pay for my WoW ~
wow ~ -_-!!!
nah, GW is still the best MMORPG thus far ~
wow ~ -_-!!!
nah, GW is still the best MMORPG thus far ~
A small guild of people you know is always better than a big guild of people you don't.
I still play once in a while. I've moved onto another game (not WoW :P), but I still love the look of Guild Wars, I love the different environments. I love the character models and the armor and outfits (I'm a dork for that!). I like coming up with builds, changing things around, trying weird things.
There's also a lot of nostalgia for me. Finding cool stuff in Pre-Sear and being like OH this is neat! My brother and his wife going "hey have you been through the Searing?" and I'm wondering what are you people talking about, I'm just hanging out in some pretty trees and cursing stuff! The Factions beta, getting drunk accidentally at the Nightfall release party putting a cube of grass on my head. Ect.
I still crack it open to dork around, it's kind of relaxing to me because it's familiar, comfortable.
I still play to chill with friends and/or enjoy the Missions and ZBounties from time to time
Karate Jesus
I'm waiting to see if John Stumme can pull this game out of the cancerously spreading stasis or apathy or whatever it is that's causing players to numbly accept the demise of this game without so much as a "holyshizzle".
What? A guy can dream....
What? A guy can dream....
Corpus Vitalis
Making builds by thinking outside the box is still fun.
Sirius Bsns
I don't play Guild Wars [anymore], but when I "still played Guild Wars", it was definitely for the Gladiator title. Nothing's more fun [to me] than clicking the "enter" button and going in to fight, no assembly required. It was quick and easy, and earning my Terrifying Gladiator title two times can definitely tell anyone that. PvP >>> All Things! xP~~~
Yes! I tried the... what's it called? The necro build that's all the rage. It was ok for areas that I just got stuck in otherwise, but it's not the same as what I can come up with on my own and just play with, using my favorite skills. Using a blood magic build and giving Zhed tons of energy and letting him nuke stuff. Or, one of my favs, is to do an air magic spiker build on my ele. Fire's cool, but... air is so much fun.
I've been playing GW/WoW for quite a time... now that I have 30/50 on HoM I'll probably only log on GW when GW:B reaches cantha and elona.
untill then I'll probably be on GW/2 guru and playing WoW/Mass Effect
untill then I'll probably be on GW/2 guru and playing WoW/Mass Effect
I still play because it's free, and I'm bored. A lot of my friends stopped playing but there's a few of us who still do so that's nice.
Dunno what you constitute 'playing' as. I bet half the people on this forum dont 'play' in the sense that they log in almost daily and do missions, etc. Seems like 90% of players now just log in to do SC's or buy/sell.
A better title is "I still have Guild Wars installed because.." which i still have installed because its 100% free and i dont feel like ive wasted money when i go a week without doing anything productive in game.
:> sometimes i log into gw1 and pretend im in a gw2 beta so i can cope with the many months i have to wait til retail gw2. not really tho, but it helps.
A better title is "I still have Guild Wars installed because.." which i still have installed because its 100% free and i dont feel like ive wasted money when i go a week without doing anything productive in game.
:> sometimes i log into gw1 and pretend im in a gw2 beta so i can cope with the many months i have to wait til retail gw2. not really tho, but it helps.
I fianlly got 50/50, but I'm yet to get a GWAMM.
The problem is that you need a grind title for that.
The problem is that you need a grind title for that.
Dunno what you constitute 'playing' as. I bet half the people on this forum dont 'play' in the sense that they log in almost daily and do missions, etc. Seems like 90% of players now just log in to do SC's or buy/sell.
A better title is "I still have Guild Wars installed because.." which i still have installed because its 100% free and i dont feel like ive wasted money when i go a week without doing anything productive in game. :> sometimes i log into gw1 and pretend im in a gw2 beta so i can cope with the many months i have to wait til retail gw2. not really tho, but it helps. |

Because I like it. 1,5 year now so I can understand that people who started in the beginning are long gone.
Of course. No farming, no running, no rushing, barely any trading at all (just exchanged a couple of miniatures to get 7 whites I was missing, and some consumables during Halloween to get some booze), and playing normally all over the place. Rep titles came from quests, missions, books and vanquishing.
Just playing 'normally'.
That was with my main, though. With other characters I may take shortcuts sometimes for some things, or not making them at all. Once is enough for some things.
And I still have 2 titles left for GWAMM, I have the booze but I don't like much to drink, so I taking that slowly. But for the last one I would have to get lucky, unlucky, trasure hunter, wisdom, Kurzick or Luxon to max, and I find those extremely boring, so I'll probably never make the last one unless they changed them to be less 'puregrind'.
I know all of those can be acquire normally, but without chest runs, purchasing unded golds or speed clears, they take ages. And without some kind of account-wide keyring I always forget to take the stupid lockpicks. Hmpf.
Just playing 'normally'.
That was with my main, though. With other characters I may take shortcuts sometimes for some things, or not making them at all. Once is enough for some things.
And I still have 2 titles left for GWAMM, I have the booze but I don't like much to drink, so I taking that slowly. But for the last one I would have to get lucky, unlucky, trasure hunter, wisdom, Kurzick or Luxon to max, and I find those extremely boring, so I'll probably never make the last one unless they changed them to be less 'puregrind'.
I know all of those can be acquire normally, but without chest runs, purchasing unded golds or speed clears, they take ages. And without some kind of account-wide keyring I always forget to take the stupid lockpicks. Hmpf.
Because it's the only game i play for endless hours and still have stuff left to do in.
shadows of hob
It is funny, I decided to play another game a few days and I just totally lost interest in GW. Guess I had it coming.
because whenever i loose interest it always seems to creep up on me like a sneaky little goblin and now that guild wars 2 is coming in hopefully soon and guild wars beyond is on the adjenda with HoM i just can't stop playing. i seem to ahve forgotten that i got 4 new games for christmas with 1 completed, 2 hardly touched and one not even touched woops.
I hate it and am masochistic. The pain of playing this game is what I live for!
(...it's still a fun community game.)
(...it's still a fun community game.)
because I want to get to 50/50 and GWAMM
Because my friends JUST start to really play the game after dabbling in it for the last 5+ years.
Now I am helping all of them get to at least 30/50 in their HoM.
and it is still lots of fun.
Now I am helping all of them get to at least 30/50 in their HoM.
and it is still lots of fun.
I still have a few people I like that are active (will stop short of calling them friends.)
I get to 30/50 my second account and keep bridges standing for when GW2 comes out. Win/Win.
I get to 30/50 my second account and keep bridges standing for when GW2 comes out. Win/Win.
Because 7 heroes is gonna be great.
Because I still enjoy the game mechanics.
I play Guild Wars because I enjoy the game. The music is awsome to listen to, no monthly fees means I play when I feel like it not a feeling of trying to get my money's worth out of it, the vistas and graphics are vastly better (I hate cartoons in my games) than most of the newer games and I just enjoy running people around.
I have two accounts, both are at 50/50 with a little overkill and I still find it more enjoyable than any of the new games I have tried.
I have two accounts, both are at 50/50 with a little overkill and I still find it more enjoyable than any of the new games I have tried.
... they reworked the dervish, and that brings joy to my GWAMM hunt.
Because I love the guild wars community, I mean... When I mad and frustrated after a long day, i know i can trust my alliance to cheer me up with some good old missions/vqing.
Also it's one of my favorite mmo; no grinding, monthly fee, and just look how beautiful it is!
Also it's one of my favorite mmo; no grinding, monthly fee, and just look how beautiful it is!
...because my computer crashes if it doesn't have a game running (seriously, here... something about games keeps something busy, which would otherwise freeze the computer in pure desktop... so, I have GW on all the time, even while downloading stuff or reading or watching movies...).
Of course this has led to 50/50 and 28/30 titles, with the Kurzick title at 9.1 mil and 3.5k drunkard points...
Of course this has led to 50/50 and 28/30 titles, with the Kurzick title at 9.1 mil and 3.5k drunkard points...
I enjoy playing the game. There is always something to do, and always something to strive for. I'm 29/30 for GWAMM, and 37/50 for HoM. I have made a few friends over the years, and it's always fun to catch up with them.
Because I enjoy playing Guild Wars, and I want my guildies to have a full hom and 50/50 ^^ So I help them

Because you can play it casually! You can log on and ‘only’ play for 40mins or so a day, and still feel you’re progressing through the game.
matter of time
it's good for keeping some distance from RL ''corporate PVP competition''

Enchanted Krystal
...because i just found out how to farm topk. (lame i know)

Next Top Runner
because I enjoy being able to run Desolation without a wurm, running Bone Palace in 6 minutes from Remains of Sahlahja with a full group, and finding glitches in campaign progression.
Ayuhmii Shanbwa
because i am preparing for 7 hero team, which will make me stay even longer
and i dont have other easy to understand MMO's atm which i can play and chat with at same time (besides, i play GW for like 65 months)
and i'm not finished yet, i wanna complete as much as i can
and i dont have other easy to understand MMO's atm which i can play and chat with at same time (besides, i play GW for like 65 months)
and i'm not finished yet, i wanna complete as much as i can