Move Kepkhet Marrowfeast
Kepkhet served her purpose with deterring farming of that specific area, but the "lore" text predicted that the boss would move along with farmer locations. I can't exactly say there's all too much in the Crystal Desert that gets farmed currently, but it might be fun for Kepkhet to jump around locations every so often. I've always been disappointed nothing like this ever popped up in Factions or Nightfall to put a squeeze on certain farms those used to have. :\
Bright Star Shine
Yeah, dump him in the raptor cave, or at the vaetirrs, that's gonna do anything. Oh, wait, it won't..
Don't see the point actually, what use will it have, only that you make it harder to farm festive items? Cause that's all that's being farmed atm.. When funky stuff drops, people start to farm, or for rep points.. There is no use in blocking farm areas, since nothing is really being overfarmed. Only thing that could be would be FoW, UW or DoA, and UW, well Dhuum took care of that, and DoA is still on a reasonable basis, since you still have to do some effort, and FoW.. Well, tbh FoW needs an endboss too, because that's being overfarmed like hell..
Who votes Kepkhet becomes the new endboss in FoW? :P
Don't see the point actually, what use will it have, only that you make it harder to farm festive items? Cause that's all that's being farmed atm.. When funky stuff drops, people start to farm, or for rep points.. There is no use in blocking farm areas, since nothing is really being overfarmed. Only thing that could be would be FoW, UW or DoA, and UW, well Dhuum took care of that, and DoA is still on a reasonable basis, since you still have to do some effort, and FoW.. Well, tbh FoW needs an endboss too, because that's being overfarmed like hell..
Who votes Kepkhet becomes the new endboss in FoW? :P
Lord Mip
Haha I gotta say I love this idea, but I think a lot of people would QQ because they cannot do their farm anymore.
Kepkhet in the Raptor cave would be utter brilliance though
Kepkhet in the Raptor cave would be utter brilliance though

Bright Star Shine
There's a quest in Nf that ends with killing Khepkhet, so she really needs to have a fixed position in the Crystal Desert for that. Outside of that quest, however, I wouldn't object to her having random spawn points in the desert (similar to Maw in the Shiverpeaks).
[edit] just had a thought....she has a zaishen bounty quest as well.
[edit] just had a thought....she has a zaishen bounty quest as well.
Doc Zenith
Ehm..weren't Kepkhet herself one of the most farmed things at desert way back? i remember farming countless of those green staffs with my rit back when Factions was fresh..was lot of fun.
As long as each elite skill has a single spot in which there will be a boss that will always have it, I won't mindhaving other random bosses popping around randomly.
What I don't like is absolute randomness.
The Eye of the North bounties, the Prophecies random boss locations, the stupid nightfall bounties that make you avoid enemies or even make you kill most of the population of that creature before getting their bounty...
That's kind of things are only annoying hassle that make people go into repetitive behavior.
But alternate locations in which a boss may ALSO appear, WITHOUT replacing any other boss?
That sounds good.
What I don't like is absolute randomness.
The Eye of the North bounties, the Prophecies random boss locations, the stupid nightfall bounties that make you avoid enemies or even make you kill most of the population of that creature before getting their bounty...
That's kind of things are only annoying hassle that make people go into repetitive behavior.
But alternate locations in which a boss may ALSO appear, WITHOUT replacing any other boss?
That sounds good.
The problem i see with a boss with multiple locations is if they have an elite they soley have - it becomes then a bitch to actually get them to spawn where you are to cap the skill.Good example is that wurm boss in eotn - one spawn spot is bjora marches and so far ive been thru there a few thousand times ( mainly old days with kegging ) and never had him/her spawn but had the odd normal wurm spawn and ive still never seen them spawn in the other places.
Black Metal
this is literally the least important thing for the Live Team to give attention to, behind even polymock and the secret cow level
maybe not Kepkhet specifically, but a random boss (or even group of test mobs) with random spawns just for kicks would actually be nice. it kinda gets tiring knowing exactly what to expect in a zone at all times.
maybe use random spawn points for introductions to possible mobs/bosses we might encounter in GW2?
Edit: or maybe random thugs/goons from one campaign can randomly pop up in a different campaign, like corsairs popping up near kaineng, am fah popping up in elona, etc
maybe use random spawn points for introductions to possible mobs/bosses we might encounter in GW2?
Edit: or maybe random thugs/goons from one campaign can randomly pop up in a different campaign, like corsairs popping up near kaineng, am fah popping up in elona, etc
Terrible Surgeon
Yeah, dump him in the raptor cave, or at the vaetirrs, that's gonna do anything. Oh, wait, it won't..
Don't see the point actually, what use will it have, only that you make it harder to farm festive items? Cause that's all that's being farmed atm.. When funky stuff drops, people start to farm, or for rep points.. There is no use in blocking farm areas, since nothing is really being overfarmed. Only thing that could be would be FoW, UW or DoA, and UW, well Dhuum took care of that, and DoA is still on a reasonable basis, since you still have to do some effort, and FoW.. Well, tbh FoW needs an endboss too, because that's being overfarmed like hell.. Who votes Kepkhet becomes the new endboss in FoW? :P |
/signed bc it would be more fun and added difficulty once in awhile is nice
Bright Star Shine
Farming is ok...over farming causes devaluation and inflation...learn about economics..take a class. Any place that has a farm needs a "surprise" once in awhile to make players try for their loot.
/signed bc it would be more fun and added difficulty once in awhile is nice |
I also know about economics, but the only thing that completely deflated thanks to raptors are Ele swords and Saurian Scythes.. And they flooded the market with an unusual amount of q7/15 and q8/16 Great Conchs..
This is of course never going to happen, but I hope they make some kind of easter egg in GW2 that is completely random and something you never expected..
Random retarded shit for life brah :P
Just Sai
i like ur thinking
expanding thought could tie it in with a Nick type bounty
perhaps wax kephet them bring th drop to mr.x ..
random /signed
expanding thought could tie it in with a Nick type bounty
perhaps wax kephet them bring th drop to mr.x ..
random /signed
i like the idea of random boss spawns, it will discourage the use of wikis in some aspect of the games and actually make people use atleast a fraction of their brain
It will only serve to annoy more people that it pleases.
That isn't true. If a boss has a random spawn the first place anyone looks is the wiki to see the possible and most likely locations.
If a boss location is entirely random every time you enter an explorable then players just won't bother to find it. The time Vs reward won't be worth it.
i like the idea of random boss spawns, it will discourage the use of wikis in some aspect of the games and actually make people use atleast a fraction of their brain
If a boss location is entirely random every time you enter an explorable then players just won't bother to find it. The time Vs reward won't be worth it.
This is how I think Boss spawns should be:
For each elite found in each campaign there should be at lest one boss that is always found in the same spot with the same elite and that is outside a mission.
Any additional bosses that also has that elite, or other appearances of that boss could be random, in other places and inside missions, but at least ONE spot outside any mission should be fixed.
For each elite found in each campaign there should be at lest one boss that is always found in the same spot with the same elite and that is outside a mission.
Any additional bosses that also has that elite, or other appearances of that boss could be random, in other places and inside missions, but at least ONE spot outside any mission should be fixed.
I kind of like the idea of a roaming boss. Every week he can change locations, skills, and professions. Maybe he can even use PvE skills. He doesn't just wander around, he drops in out of nowhere. If you manage to kill him, he drops a random gold for every player in the party, but only once per week.
It will only serve to annoy more people that it pleases.
That isn't true. If a boss has a random spawn the first place anyone looks is the wiki to see the possible and most likely locations. If a boss location is entirely random every time you enter an explorable then players just won't bother to find it. The time Vs reward won't be worth it. |
then dont play the game, i dont play this game to grind and farm the same boss over and over, its probably what you do. so basically your playing for the pixels and nothing else, quite sad actually.
I don't play the game for that reason either. It is simply an observation of players and the information on the wiki.
For every boss page there is a description of the quickest way to get to said boss.
If you take the Kerresh quests as an example, the bosses have random spawns in Asura explorables. Yes you could spend your time wondering around these areas trying to track down the boss, and I've done this in the past as it is a good way to explore the area. However the wikis give tips on how to locate these bosses the quickest, including rezoning until the boss spawn is close to the portal.
Also Zaishen Bounties, the reward Vs time for these comes into play quite regularly. I would bet that a lot more players will happily do a bounty where the boss takes 5mins to get to and kill vs one that takes an hour to get to when the reward is the same.
People can play the game however they want, I just think that for most people spending 30+ minutes wondering around a huge explorable for the purpose of finding one boss whether it is for a zaishen reward or to cap a skill, it won't be very popular.
Game too old to bother about these little things tbh. I think it's fine as it is.
Black Metal
then dont play the game, i dont play this game to grind and farm the same boss over and over, its probably what you do. so basically your playing for the pixels and nothing else, quite sad actually.
| suggest people stop playing the game if they don't like bad suggestions that won't ever see the light of day anyway?