Does a Duncan SC exist?
Green Sscythe
Today I was in Umbral Grotto and this guy was advertising a Duncan HM SC for 30k or 3 ectos. I have never heard of such a thing and after research on this site and PvX I can't find it. Does it exist or was this guy a world class scammer?
Thenameless Wonder
It wouldn't be a sc because he was running it....
But why couldn't there be one? Maybe he tried things out and found a run he could make some money off. Why would you put that up on pvxwiki if you came up with it? Just saying
But why couldn't there be one? Maybe he tried things out and found a run he could make some money off. Why would you put that up on pvxwiki if you came up with it? Just saying
Gabriel of Ravn
It exists and just because you can't find it on PvX doesn't mean it's not possible.
Swap....... Voila! You have sc'd Duncan :P
Green Sscythe
Okay lets go through some stuff here. First of all I never said it wasnt possible, I was asking if it existed. Also I didnt need some cockey useless answer about not finding it on PvX. Thanks for nothing guys and If someone would close this thread that would be great.
Essence Snow
If not soloing it....1 sliver and rest swaps....dash and ee to go 2-5mins....easy pie
A SC exists to do the 4 bosses and Duncan (Duncan solo build is by no means a secret, it's very straightforward A/E Sliver build)
I do it with my alliance, the build is out there.
That guy was probably ONLY doing Duncan, and asking 30k for it.
I do it with my alliance, the build is out there.
That guy was probably ONLY doing Duncan, and asking 30k for it.
Dagoth Umbra
Shut up pedro, OP was correct, he did not make an arrogant statement, all he asked was a question, and everyone jumped down his throat. Take your snide arrogance and shove it.
Calista Blackblood
Learn to play nicely.
Closed at request of OP
Closed at request of OP