Spiritway vs. UW



Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007

Super Zealous Youths


Hi all, so here's the story.

My buddy and I have been messing around in the Underworld the last few nights going Heroway, and I've begun to toy around with the idea of going for a clear. My question to you is, would Spiritway be able to effectively split and finish The Four Horsemen? We both play Barrage Rangers with various utility skills.

I thought I'd run it past some people with more experience in build making than I do thanks!



Tea Powered

Join Date: May 2008



I very much doubt that you'll have the firepower and stability to withstand the assault from the Dryders and the bosses on a split, even with the ridiculous spirit builds Rits get now.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2008


Assuming you camp one spawn each, insta-kill it and then go for the other one it should be fine. You could run one spirit rit each since youll be out of eachothers spirit range, though the extra spirits will be worthless when you arent splitting.
This is for NM, doubt you can pack the firepower needed for a swift spawn kill in HM.

If nothing else, bring a 3rd player to tank one side.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008

Variable Speed Farmers[VsF]


If you can bring panic + shared burden to spiritway, I think its possible


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2007

should be fine in nm



Tea Powered

Join Date: May 2008



So splitting at four horsemen bringing spiritway as a Ranger primary and somehow putting panic and enough prot/healing to last against the Dryders, Skeles and bosses?

Camping the first spawn is the best bet, but even if you quickly kill them you still have to deal with the Dryders that could kill you in the process of murdering the boss and you'll still have to engage the second group in a less than favourable manner.

And both players bringing spiritway is going to trash your performance in the rest of the UW.

It could probably be done, but I don't see it being efficient and wouldn't recommend it as a method of attempting the UW.
Perhaps I just overestimate the Underworld in NM, it's been a very long time since I've been.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2008

I meant to try this on a 6-heroes build with a tank and a spirit spammer, even though I have not tried it yet.

Here are my initial thoughts, for UW NM, after gathering ideas from various places:

I expect various problems, for example, I dont think that ER build is going to work well through the heroes AI.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Amazon Basin [AB]


The one time I had a partner do dual spiritway, it was the easiest time we attempted horsemen ever. One side didn't even have panic, just a barraging ranger and keystone signet + 2 spirit spams, and it went fine. Nor did we have to mess with the spawn points... the main problem we had was dhuum, not enough damage or healing, but the former is really easy with spiritway if you can just fit pain inverter somewhere, and the latter just pop armor/ghail and/or some PwKs, which yes usually interfere with spirit attacks so you'd be selective which zones you enabled it in.