I was planning to gain those statues when it's ZB, but noone doesn ZB NM nowadays and PUGs mostly fail those mission, because a few ppl don't know how long it takes and leech. You feel very upset when you can't decrease Kanaxa's health under 3/4 and he can't kill you even when you are only 7 at the end. If we were doing it NM, we would make it. 150 Z-coins are not worth The Deep HoM statue.
I'd like to join someone who's planning to do any statue rewarding mission.
Or create the group here.
IGN:Sagittario Mell
Elite missions NM for HoM statues
Redy Brek
Hey, I'd definitely be up for The Deep NM. I'm GMT, and am normally on some weekdays and most weekends. My IGN is Niku Swiftshadow.
If i have time for it, i'll join you, i still need the statue as well
IGN: Longbow Logan
IGN: Longbow Logan