Heroes team for Crit Scythe


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2011

Hi all,

I am currently trying to achieve the GWAMM title for my main character: a sin.
Until now I used the Discordway to complete the first Prof mission in HM. It's effective but quite boring and I miss the physical side so I decide to build my heroes to work with a Crit Scythe build which I found very good to do massive AoE damage.

So for my heroes, I was thinking about a SoS rit smiter with SH, a classic JB MB and for the third hero I dunno what to choose between a Curse N (SS, MoP, Barbs, ...) , a D/N order or a El ER protter. I also need to put SoH on one Hero.

What do you think is best for my sin? And what henches work well with that kind of team?

Thanks in advance for your help.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2008


The key to if you want to make a less boring experience, make a team allowing some room for variation. Otherwise you can just bring blindness/panic spam to practically neutralize most mobs.

crazy daggerfighter

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2009

Belgium: GMT+1

[MoO], [ohhi]


Just bring withering aura and micro the hero to use it on you.

For the rest, change the skills of your necs to low casttime+rechargetime hexes.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2010

Italy, Turin



What LifeInfusion said. Have heroes buff you as much as you can(SoH, orders, splinter weapon, etc.), prot, and you're done.

P.S: don't forget to bring Asura Scan and, if you can, SY!



Tea Powered

Join Date: May 2008



Building hero teams for physical players is very easy - simply build them to support you.
If you're using a scythe then you should be using AoHM, which means Orders, Barbs and Mark of Pain are of limited use.
However Strength of Honor and Splinter Weapon are excellent. An SoS Rit can take both these and slot in Ancestor's Rage which works nicely too.
Secondly you'll need to ensure you're allowed to operate - if at any time you cease functioning due to conditions, hexes or even death, you're team build starts to collapse - that means take adequate cleaning for the area you're facing and make sure to pack some good protection on a hero (Prot Spirit is often sufficient, SoA and Spirit Bond are nice extras).
Finally you can take anything that facilitates you dealing damage or stopping the enemy from impeding you - Mesmers are good with their disruption here.

I Hate Chips

I Hate Chips

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2009

Why do you want to know where I live? Pervert.....



1. SoS Rit, with Strength of Honor (splinterweapon, ancestors rage)
2. Minion bomber
3. Panic Mesmer



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2008

I use a similar build for my assassin.

Replace Painful Bond with Splinter.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007


My crit scythe sin runs with spiritway heros and never really gone for anything else - reason i like spiritway is the sin can draw initial aggro an run back then after the minions an spirits take the aggro i go in and mop up.
Its one of the team builds that can be used litterally anywhere unlike sabway ( places with no corpses ) and doesnt require certain things like conditions/hexes to work ( discordway ) and its so versatile that if you have a human team member thats already a sos rit you can switch a few skills ( or replace one with a panic mes ) and not lose any effectiveness or dmg.

Skye Marin

Skye Marin

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2006

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


Also, there might be changes to scythes in the coming weeks that would make them better on a Dervish. That could mean making Dervishes better or nerfing Crit Scythes.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2010

Like everyone has kinda said, youll have AoHM, so SoH and Splinter Weapon is about all the melee buffs you can bring. And that can easily be brought on your SoS if you want to put your extra points into Smiting. I have a similar set up, but I use the SoS with resto heals and a blood necro that carries the smites as my third hero or I'll bring a full on PI Mesmer and forgo the smites altogether if there is a high chance of enchant stripping.

You third hero is the most optional. But, if you have PS on your MM and your smites on your SoS, whatever you bring should have some spot heals.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2009

I live right there, see?

Apostles of Oblivion


Oh please don't run MoP. It's so unbelievably useless outside of SC's. Just make sure you bring SoH, PS, and a good healer. Everything else is pretty optional. Be unique.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2010

MoP, Barbs, and Orders will not be useful to the OP, as he will most likely be dealing Holy damage. MoP and Barbs are useful to minions, but getting them to hit a specific target in the middle of a tightly balled mob? Herding cats would be a more successful endeavour.

@Deasu, all my comments were in regards to the OP. I was just going over the different builds that apply to his current setup and variations that he could use. I'm not critisizing your build.



Tea Powered

Join Date: May 2008



Mark of Pain is worth it on a Curser hero if you have minions.
Trouble is, a Curser isn't worth the effort unless you're getting good use of Mark of Pain which you're not liable to get too often with just minions.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2010

Put MoP on the MM hero and it works fine. You don't lose too much compared to a pure curse necro. MoP either kills mobs in < 1s or does nothing depending on where it lands, how the minions decide to attack, and how much splinter weapon rape you have on everything. Being 20% weaker doesn't change that much.