*CLOSED due to lack of interest*
All items whose bids reach a hidden reserve will sell on the fifth bump. Feel free to offer a B/O in addition to placing a bid. I accept the following methods of payment:Platinum (up to 100k)
Ectoplasm, Shards at Trader Halfway Price
Amber, Jadeite at Trader Halfway Price
Rubies, Sapphire (up to 10 each) at Trader Halfway Price
Zkeys @ 5.5k
Lockpicks @ 1.2k
Armbraces @ 180k
I am not currently looking for trades.
Undedicated Asura
S/B 100k
Undedicated Grey Giant
S/B 100k
Undedicated Ceratadon
S/B 100k
Undedicated Destroyer
S/B 100k
C/O 18e Clear reserve not met
Remember to leave your IGN with your post, or PM it to me immediately after posting. Any bids that are not accompanied with an IGN will be ignored.
Undedicated Asura l Grey Giant l Ceratadon l Destroyer
Ariena Najea
Zanagi Kazuhiko
sb on destroyer..............
18e on destroyer
Ariena Najea
Bump #1
Ends on Bump #5
Ends on Bump #5