Time: 11:40am PST/7:40pm GMT
Place: Guru's GvG Commentary channel on justin.tv
Once again we will be providing commentary on the GvG Monthly Automated Tournament and it'd be great if you'd stop by and observe the play-offs with us! This is a great way to understand how GvG works, meet some top players, and ask questions. We'll be taking questions in the stream chat AND in the #gwgpickup channel on IRC.
If you are unable to come or miss parts of this event, the entirety is being recorded for your convenience and a link will be provided once available.
IRC channel information:
You will need a program like xchat or mIRC to get into the channel, and both of those websites have setup guides. The channel info is as follows:For those of you who would prefer to not install a client, you can use the available web client (just change the included channel to #gwgpickup).
- Server: irc.gamesurge.net
- Port: 6667
- Channel: #gwgpickup
Thanks and I hope to see you there.

EDIT: Recordings have been uploaded - commentary and finalists Necro Honor [nH]'s matches synced with their vent recordings.