Since my hopes for the shiny Bladed shields have been dashed in my last PC thread, I decided to get some foci. As a result, I would like to know how much would the following be:
q9 CC Spawning
q9 CC Communing
q9 CC Channeling
The CC market has always managed to elude me and I never really could PC one 100% sure...
EDIT: Added a few staves I am interested in and would like to know how much they are worth:
q9 Communing Dragon Staff, 20/20.
q9 Communing Plagueborn Staff, 20/20.
q9 Communing Forbidden Staff, 20/20.
q9 Communing Bo Staff, 20/20.
Yes, I am one of those oddballs who uses Communing.
EDIT #2: got this pretty: q9 Amber Longbow 15^-1en regeneration. Any thoughts? Oh, and I bought a q9 Communing CC at 75k - tyvm jimbo!!
EDIT #3: got a q9 20/20 OS Inscribed Staff (Domination). Any thoughts?
EDIT #4: got a q8 14^ench OS Katana, but it's purple. How much would this be?
EDIT #5: got today some q9 Demon Fangs, I kinda have a pretty good ideea of their worth, but would like more opinions.
Thanks in advance!
Closed: PC on some CCs and OS staves
~ 15e (sold one for this price, could be more)
~ 15e (sold one for 13e)
~ 20e (sold one for this price)
~ 15e (sold one for 13e)
~ 20e (sold one for this price)
spawning could easily get for 50-75k not popular at all
communing just like above
channel ling 20-25e is where your looking at
communing just like above
channel ling 20-25e is where your looking at
Agree with Eugene since most of them are between 15-20e ...
But then of course you could get them for WAY cheaper since people sell them to get a quick cash , so if you wait long nuff might get them for under 100k / Each
But then of course you could get them for WAY cheaper since people sell them to get a quick cash , so if you wait long nuff might get them for under 100k / Each
Bring up my post!
agree with raptors on the CCs.
#2 - Common skin, I would merch but you can get maybe 10k out of it if your patient.
#3 - ugly/unwanted skin. I would merch or use on a hero. If you really want to sell it u might get 15k out of it.
#4 - 1 off and its purple. may get someone who would pay 20k but I wouldn't hold my breath.
As for the communing staves I would say 75k for the plagueborn, 80k-15e for the forbidden, 50-75e for the dragon and bo staves. plagueborn is an ugly skin and so is forbidden. the other 2 as you probably know are much rarer but are much cheaper than the ones with popular attributes since communing is not used by many. hope this helps.
#2 - Common skin, I would merch but you can get maybe 10k out of it if your patient.
#3 - ugly/unwanted skin. I would merch or use on a hero. If you really want to sell it u might get 15k out of it.
#4 - 1 off and its purple. may get someone who would pay 20k but I wouldn't hold my breath.
As for the communing staves I would say 75k for the plagueborn, 80k-15e for the forbidden, 50-75e for the dragon and bo staves. plagueborn is an ugly skin and so is forbidden. the other 2 as you probably know are much rarer but are much cheaper than the ones with popular attributes since communing is not used by many. hope this helps.
Bring up my post!
Bring up my post!