pc - unded mini M.O.X. in pre-Searing Ascalon


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2009

Fart Of Almighty


and I also don't know how to sell it for some real ecto



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2007

the beaster

the Gold Fish [GOLD]


price for minis in pre searing is generaly at least double the cost in post.

There are many ways to trade them.

Eg Get a trade moderator who both people trust, someone well known on the forums for example to hold the ectos in post and the item in pre then trade them to the appropriate person for a fee. this is called trade moderating.

or another way is to have expensive trade hold items normaly a customised weapon or something to stop people from running off with xx ectos. then trade each item for nothing in respected areas of the game.

personally i prefer the first option though .