LFG Primary Campaign Missions!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


Hello everyone,

As you can see from my account statistics, I'm a long time member, low count poster. I have recently been incentivised by the GW2 HoM rewards to go back and thoroughly complete things that I have never done before, that is complete the Protector title for each campaign. I own all 4 expansions, but i have only completed factions because I get so easily distracted by pvp / exploring / random quests / other things that GW2 will not recognize me for.

Currently on my assassin I have made the following progress:

Prophesies: 4/25
Factions: 6/13
Nightfall: 3/20

Ran my assassin to Ascelon last night and breezed through the first few missions. However, I know the time will come when I won't be able to accomplish the missions + bonus/master on my own (unfortunately most of my rl friends guild has a lastplayed status of 6 months or more), so I was hoping to reach out to the friendlier members of the board in the hopes someone would be willing to offer a helping hand, or if there is someone who like me has been a sporadic player that never accomplished these titles, we could establish a mutually beneficial relationship over the next couple weeks! Just to be clear, I don't want someone to carry me through and hold my hand, I am a pretty motivated player, but I just don't have time to level up a new character and there is only so much an assassin can accomplish solo with henchmen / heroes. Plus playing with real life people is more fun, but spamming LFG chat in deserted mission towns isn't.

I am on the west coast and can be on and off between 6-11 PM PST on week days, and sporadically on weekends. I am not a hardcore player, but I intend to become one for the next few weeks at least to try to hit the 25 HoM point mark. I almost exclusively play my assassin "Crazy Hose" so feel free to hit me up in game as well as responding to this post if you're interested.

Also, I have a side question. I am 48 / 100 on the track to Gladiator. I do enjoy random arenas. However, I read up on it and it sounds like I'll need 400 points before I can display it in my HoM. Think that this is worth it for the 3 points, or are there other things I could be spending my time on to more efficiently hit my goal of 25 points? AFAIK there aren't really any easier pvp titles, and that 3 points for 1 title is awfully tempting. Plus I figure I can spend the balthazar rep I get on zaishen keys which I can hopefully sell to fund the various armor sets I'll need to craft (currently rather poor unfortunately, a bi product of my non-regular play schedule).

Thanks for reading!


p.s. here is my current "plan". Any feedback would be excellent:

Devotion: 5 points
2: 20 minipets (currently have 15)
1: any minipet
1: rare minipet (i guess i'll have to buy it)
1: unique minipet (black moa chick quest)

Fellowship: 5 points
1: any hero (completed)
1: any pet (leveling phoenix - currently 11)
1: rare pet (" ")
2: 5 companions (4/5 displayed atm, will be done when phoenix hits 20)

Honor: 11 points
3: accounts linked (yay 3 free points)
2: any statue
3: pvp statue
3: 5 statues (3 protector titles, 1 pvp title, & pick 1 that's easy - i hear sorrow's furnace would fit the bill)

Now I need 4 more points (7 if the pvp achievement is not viable), and all that's left is the platinum intensive weapons / armor gathering. I am 1 piece away from ancient armor at which point I'll probably need to take a hard look at the cost effectiveness of the various aggregates (do i buy 2 EotN armor sets to get another point? then 2 more, one of which is expensive luxon, for 2 more points? Or do I go for 11 weapons? Which is cheapest?)


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007


Several things i would suggest.
1. Find a new guild to join - im saying this as you say your friends in your guild are inactive and a new guild will have players who may be doing same as you.
2. Sins are not as weak as you think - my main chr is a sin who did most of nf and whole of eotn with h/h and you just need a wide range of hero builds and heros to assist.I have a huge amount of work to do on my sin ( less than you as recently got protector of cantha 1yr after doing factions - very lazy as it was only gyala i had to do lol ).
3. Probably out of eotn , prophs and nf - prophs is the longest to do correctly so aim for that last , eotn i did in 3 days ( upto 4 hrs a day ) and actually isnt that hard to do , nightfall maybe another 3 to 4 days max to complete.Eotn has the bonus of having some pve only skills that can really assist players especially melee like asuran scan ( increases your dmg on target ) as well as getting some extra heros quickly as well.

Btw i believe elite kurz is more expensive than elite lux - amber is worth a lot more than jade atm.
Armor can be easily got after completing all the campaigns because you should be getting enough money from all the fighting.War in kryta also activates if you complete eotn and you can display oppressor weapons in hom and its not really that hard to earn enough medals and complete war in kryta.Why buy weapons if you have the capability and time to get them yourself.

And i know its going to be hard but try not to get distracted too easily - ive always been more of a pve farmer and theres a lot of things in gw that i never bothered with eg gyala 1 yr after doing factions , sin has never done crystal desert and missed quite a bit of prophs out - i was too distracted and now i see the amount of work i have to do and i go - omg im a damn fool lol



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Houston, TX

The Academy [PhD]


You have all the campaigns... so....

This build here is the pinnacle of DPS currently, the A/D Crit Scythe:

Run this with any variant of these following builds:

Get this combination going and you will find it hard to not completely blow through the missions in record time. You could even try you hand out at HM areas.

If you still need help, I might be able to help you, perhaps in the more tricky areas such as Eternal Grove, etc. But only after you give it a shot ; )

IGN: Yuko Asakura


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


Thank you guys so much for the advice, it has helped a lot =)

Already up to 15 of 25, and I'm actually really enjoying it.