PC on q7/ar15 Inscribable Defender


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2011

Just had this drop while vanquishing in EotN. I heard that q7/ar15 shields are sometimes worth a bit of gold, so I'm wondering if someone could enlighten me on whether or not it's just merch fodder.

Skin: Defender
Req: 7 Strength
Armor: 15
Inscribable: Yes
Rarity: Blue

[edit] Yeah, I clued into that pretty quickly once I started to think about it. Thanks!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2008

Rubbing Potassium on water fountains.

LF guild that teaches MTSC (did it long ago before gw2 came out and I quit...but I barely remember)


This. Will not be worth alot.
r7/15 shields can be usful for those people who can only dedicate enough points to bring their shield attribute to 7 (i.e. PvP Monks) So you will really see the most demand for Tactics and to a lesser extent the Para Attribute shields.

Strength has almost no demand because it's the warrior primary attribute. Any self respecting warrior is going to have enough points in strength to use a max shield.

I say merch it...

Ofc...I could be wrong... (but I'm usually not far off xD)

Bright Star Shine

Bright Star Shine

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2009


Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


Nop, you're right, merch it imo..