Vabbi run from SS Sanct and Desert run from LA

Shadow Sin

Shadow Sin

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2007




Paying well, leave me a price. And yes, both runs are doable, proof from someone who got a vabbi run last night who has not been to vabbi before on her toon.

Kosar The Cruel

Kosar The Cruel

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2010

Ontario, Canada


Desert run from LA - I assume you need LA > Sanctum Cay + Run through Sanctum Cay? If so, I can do this, 10k. If price is to high, Msg me I can explain my pricing.

Vabbi Run from Sunspear Sanctuary - Run to The Kodash Bazaar I'm assuming you mean? I should be able to do this. Not sure on pricing though. Msg me with an offer if interested.

If you're interested in both or either msg on here.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2009

Electric Celerity [EC]


Full Vabbi Tour from name the price...I only run for tips.

We start from SS and go through Desolation on foot...through Basalt...all Vabbian outposts...and end in Moddok Crevice.

PM me: Next Top Runner

Run takes about 25 minutes.