Leech sig + Sig of rejuvenation vs Leech Signet + Power drain



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


For the upcoming Embark beach I'm pretty sure I am going to slot one and only one monk, since I only run one monk anyway (mhenlo , who is a WoH healer).

Do you really need to invest more than 6 in inspiration magic?

I find if you put heroes with Signet of Rejuvenation they have something to spam so I can get by with Leech signet. On a bar with only 5 energy skills, Glyph of Lesser energy doesn't work since it gives 0.166666667 energy/sec, which is lower than any 0 spec inspiration magic skill with 1 point in inspiration magic. Glyph of Lesser Energy (with a 5 energy skill and 10+ energy skill) 0.333333333energy/sec, which is comparable to Waste Not, Want Not at 5-7 Inspir or Power drain @5 Inspir and Leech signet at 4 Inspir. Glyph of Lesser Energy (with 2x 10+energy skills) is 0.5energy/sec (i.e. with Heal party or Prot Spirit+aegis) which is Power Drain @7, or Leech [email protected]

The thing about Power drain is at 8 spec is it has +12 net energy on 20 cooldown but only +8 net at 6 inspir. Leech signet gives +8 at 6inspir, +9 at 8inspir and waste not, want not gives +5 at 6, +6 at 8. I've never run higher than 8 inspir on a hero because that means I am running 12/9/9 or something (12/10/8, 12/11/6 can get by).

I rarely use monk heroes since I just bring Mhenlo, but I'm curious since 7 heroes is coming along and Alesia the healer hench in Tyria sucks plus Lina has no redbar-ing.

Both interrupts don't fare well in physical heavy areas (like today's ZB). Waste Not, Want Not might be an option.

I've been playing around with Healing Burst on heros and I was wondering whether to drop Prots altogether for Inspir, since that seems to be the trend these days. (13heal/13df/6inspir in case you were wondering)

The Burst hero is supposed to fill in the gap for Restoration heroes, which is a lack of AoE heals. Outside of UA + DH/HD I can't think of anything else that heroes can use.

The energy strain of spamming healing burst on recharge is 5/4 = 1.25energy/sec < 4/3 energy /second and that is not taking into account 0.75sec aftercast. I usually micro d-kiss, condition removal, so the only things not disabled are Burst + Interrupt + sig of rejuv + cure hex.

5/4 from Burst + 5/3 from d-kiss + 5/12 from cure hex = 10/3 - 4/3 innate = 2energy/sec needed from e-management to use all 3 on recharge

5/4 from burst + 5/12 from cure hex, d-kiss disabled = 5/3 - 4/3 innate = 1/3 energy/sec needed from e-management (+5 energy every 15 seconds or +7 every 20 seconds)

Compare to UA+DH/HD: 2*5/15-3/3 innate = -1/3 energy /sec needed from energy management (surplus) though you will be pumping out +89 every 7.5 (11.8667) instead of +42 every 4 (10.5/sec).

Compare to UA+DH/HD+Gift (14DF/9+1 Heal): 2*5/15+5/5-3/3 innate = 2/3 energy/sec needed from energy management with a 20ish stronger spot heal (165+45 instead of 140+42).

EDIT: @Sankt Hallvard: Monks have more available Party heals, albeit only if used on a primary. Heal party + Protective was Kaolai can be used on a N/Mo but it isn't as potent as UA + DH/HD, Healing Burst vs pressure like Poison and disease. The focus on a monk hero would be partyheal (Healing burst or UA+HD/DH) and hex cleaning (cure hex, deny hexes). Condition removal can be handled by SoS + Mend body and soul + spirit Light unless it's SoO or something.

A) 11+1+1=13 Heal, 11+1=12DF, 8 Inspir (lose 4HP on DF = 1HP/sec on Burst spam since you lose the 13DF breakpoint)
B) 11+1+1=13 Heal, 10+1=11DF, 10 inspir (upper limit of the chart)
C) 11+1+1=13 Heal, 11+1=12DF, 5+1 Prot (5 sec SoA), 7 Inspir and is the first attribute at which Power drain outperforms Leech signet
D) 11+1+1=13 Heal, 10+1=11 DF, 6+1=7 Prot (5 sec SoA even with weakness), 8 Inspir doesn't seem to cut it as well as 6 inspir and 13 DF
E) 11+1+1=13 Heal, 7+1=8 DF, 9+1=10 prot (6 second SoA, 17second Prot Spirit), 8 inspir is too low DF (+26 for party heal is 6.5/sec or 3.25 HP regen rather than 5.25 regen @13 F) to bother with Burst instead of WoH.
G) 10+1+1=12 Heal, 12+1 DF, 8 Inspir (emphasis on party heal rather than Spot heal)

EDIT3: http://www.gwpvx.com/Build:Mo/Me_PvE_Healing_Burst_Hero is what I'm basing this thought off of. 10+1 DF is +35 party heal or basically 4.375 HP regen. Breakpoints for DF are 8 and 13 so that's why I like having 13/13/6 inspir. I don't agree with the PvXwiki attribute since it pumps Healing to 12+1+1 instead of 11+1+1, which is unnecessary since with 11+1+1 you lose 10HP from Burst (3 after DF is counted) and 3+2X from D-Kiss (so 2Xhex or enchant) and 4 to 8 from sig of rejuvenation and gain 7 on party heal, which is the point of running burst in the first place.

The WoH Hybrid is set at 11+1+1 Heal, 9+1 prot, 8+1DF, 6 Inspir and the recharges are lower plus energy costs are higher on that bar. (see http://www.gwpvx.com/Build:Mo/any_WoH_Hybrid)

http://www.gwpvx.com/Build:Mo/Me_Unyielding_Aura_Healer is the best option I feel.

Sig of rejuvenation when used as a heal basically is 5/8 energy/sec so that's better than any 8 spec inspiration magic.

Sankt Hallvard


Join Date: Dec 2006

For healing in pve you're better off with a rit imo. The strong point of the monk are prots and hex removal, both of which you can often slot on a X/Mo midliner.

And yeah, you spec into insp to manage energy and if it's always abundant at 8 insp you can playtest lowering it.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2010

I dont think your gaining that much more healing from adding one more point into healing or divine favor. I would keep 8 in Inspiration just for the extra 5 energy from Power Drain. WnWn and Leech Sig dont gain much, so I wouldnt base it off those skills.

Keep in mind, I have witnessed my monk heros "miss" with those skills, so all the energy you can get would be useful. I have also heard that PD and Leech signet confuses heros so they are not a good combination, but I have no evidence to back that up. I use leech and PD all the time, havent noticed.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2007

Sydney, Australia

Haze of Light [pure]


Id go Leech Sig + P-Drain because i find that sig rejuv only hits for the 71 way too often, and therefore isnt that great. Id rather have the extra 3 patient spirits/healing bursts/ or watever you plan on using every 20 seconds rather then 3 71 heals every 21 seconds.

However, in that regard, I think running an offensive character with spot heals, like I run a roj monk with 4 heals, an SoS with Life, PwK, and Spirit Light, MM with prots, but also dwaynas kiss on the minions for heals.

The other thing is try and reduce damage. Panic and Psychic Instability are both fantastic for this because they interupt a large area, and when balled correctly reduces a large amount of damage. (PI also keeps em in place for the whole RoJ which is good fun.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2010

Muppets Versus Muppets [MvM]


I'd go Leech Signet+Pwr Drain.
But I've rarely had my monks bar use twice when they REALLY needed it.
If anything, instead of Leech Signet, run Auspicious Incantation. I personally am not a big fan of Waste not, Want not. I would even consider Drain Enchantment or Ether Signet.
And spec more into Inspiration, because Pwr Drain beats out Leech Signet at around 9~11 inspiration magic?

Also try Light of Deliverance as an Elite. It works surprisingly well and energy efficiently.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


A.I. only does decently with 15+ energy skills and only does better with 25.

if you factor in the "reduction" in cost of the next skill:

(attributes 0-10)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2010

idk where you are getting those charts from so i'm not going to check the math now.

Regardless, if you have to micro your heals, your not going to be doing enough damage(or healing) with whatever character you roll to be effective.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2008


You have too much free time imo.. just check it and see how your heroes manage... they can't use gole and are pretty good 2 rupts.

My 2 cents

-5 energy cost (if applicable), divide by recharge.
It's a bit different for http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Auspicious_Incantation