How to find particular armor images?
Is there a quick way to find the armor/color combo I'm looking for (basically: male elite charr hide armor dyed white)? I searched around for a while this morning and wasn't coming up with anything, either manually or with the site search. Is there any kind of index anywhere?
I use this site:
Go to Statistics -> Classes and Armor -> Choose your class and armor you want to see.
Then at the bottom you can choose a dye you want to see on the armor.
Go to Statistics -> Classes and Armor -> Choose your class and armor you want to see.
Then at the bottom you can choose a dye you want to see on the armor.

That's a great resource. Thank you very much for this!
Yeah, thanks for the great link! :) Till today I've just searched for pics from both the offical and the unoffical wiki, but the problem has been, that they have pictures of only a few dyed armors...
I didn't even think such site as GW Characters would exist, but am extremely happy to see it does :) I think I'm gonna create a profile there 8D
I didn't even think such site as GW Characters would exist, but am extremely happy to see it does :) I think I'm gonna create a profile there 8D