Year 1
Whiptail Devourer (3x) - 3k
Jungle Troll - 3k
Fungal Wallow - 3k
Kirin (2x) - 15k
Burning Titan (2x) -15k
Charr Shaman - 15k
Year 2
Heket Warrior - 6k
Juggernaut - 6k
Elf - 25k
Koss - 25k
Year 3
Abyssal - 15k or trade for Cave Spider
Raptor -15k or trade for Cave Spider
Cloudtouch Simian - 15k or trade for Cave Spider
Post your nickname here or PM me in game. IGN: [removed]
Alternative forms of payment:
Zaishen Keys at 6k each
Diamonds at 1.9k each
Selling Undedicated Minatures B/O
I'll buy Kirin and Cloudtouched simian. 30k for both.
IGN Ach Nich Noch
EDIT: As a seller it really helps being at the computer when you are online.
IGN Ach Nich Noch
EDIT: As a seller it really helps being at the computer when you are online.
Trade Cave Spider and 15k for Raptor and Abyssal
IGN Shoot Them Later
IGN Shoot Them Later