Shocking Dragon Sword
idk if someone has already mentioned this or not (probably so, it seems so obv) but i think it would be cool to have a sword, just like ids/fds but with shocking hilt and a lightning animation as the blade in guild wars 1
to further support my statement, for sword warrior, conjure is a common build still used in a lot of places. of the ele conjure skills there is one for each element except earth. you must have a weapon with matching hilt to the damage of the conjure. ids for conjure frost, fds for conjure flame, vds for general purpose on any sword build, but also used on conjure builds for when conjure is down... so why not have an sds for conjure lightning.
to further support my statement, for sword warrior, conjure is a common build still used in a lot of places. of the ele conjure skills there is one for each element except earth. you must have a weapon with matching hilt to the damage of the conjure. ids for conjure frost, fds for conjure flame, vds for general purpose on any sword build, but also used on conjure builds for when conjure is down... so why not have an sds for conjure lightning.
There has been alot of these kind of threads lately, but i must still agree !
if it were up to me, we would have Poisionous dragon sword(green),Zealous Dragon Sword(pink) and etc..
This will though never happen in GW1, but maybe something for gw2
though i still doubt they will put in anymore -dragon sword exept fiery/icy..
if it were up to me, we would have Poisionous dragon sword(green),Zealous Dragon Sword(pink) and etc..
This will though never happen in GW1, but maybe something for gw2
though i still doubt they will put in anymore -dragon sword exept fiery/icy..
Ayuhmii Shanbwa
well, at least shocking and ebon (earth) would do
rock animation could be like what they added to the earth elementals
lightning.... thats easy to guess
poisonous would also be cool
/signed for these 3 (at least)
rock animation could be like what they added to the earth elementals
lightning.... thats easy to guess
poisonous would also be cool
/signed for these 3 (at least)
Agree for elemental variants as they make sense (though it would simply be ebon/'electric blue' colour for the existing flame animation bare in mind) however other ones are just stupid. Poisonous? If you're using a sword you're probably doing it wrong, if you're trying to friggin poison people with a SWORD you're doing it even worse.
Simple solution: let us dye the flame.
Problem: it's only one skin and a ridiculous hassle to program such a thing/no one cares.
Conclusion: dream on and wait for GW2 where dyes can be specific to areas of weapons/armour
Simple solution: let us dye the flame.
Problem: it's only one skin and a ridiculous hassle to program such a thing/no one cares.
Conclusion: dream on and wait for GW2 where dyes can be specific to areas of weapons/armour
Poisoning with a sword isn't that retarded. Using a poisonous mod because you expect the enemy to be alive long enough for it to be useful however is extremely retarded.
Poisoning with a sword isn't that retarded. Using a poisonous mod because you expect the enemy to be alive long enough for it to be useful however is extremely retarded.
In gw bleeding poison disease etc all just seem to provide health degeneration.
I see poisons as damaging the body and preventing healing until removed.
Much more effective if you had to cure the poison effect before you could heal the wound damage.
Imagine bleeding or crippled and the effect lasts till you remove the poison effect and then the normal duration of the underlying effect kicks in.
As it is many players ignore the degeneration skills and go for pure damage because in this game its more effective.
Hopefully GW2 will find an effective use for variations in damage types.
Eragon Zarroc
an sds would be quite interesting
would also be interesting to see where in the game they would be added.

If poisons were implemented properly they would be very useful.
In gw bleeding poison disease etc all just seem to provide health degeneration. I see poisons as damaging the body and preventing healing until removed. Much more effective if you had to cure the poison effect before you could heal the wound damage. Imagine bleeding or crippled and the effect lasts till you remove the poison effect and then the normal duration of the underlying effect kicks in. As it is many players ignore the degeneration skills and go for pure damage because in this game its more effective. Hopefully GW2 will find an effective use for variations in damage types. |
Degen isn't really effective, nor is it a warrior's job to degen things, it's a warrior's job to blow shit up. Using something like poison tip is bad enough, but using a vamp mod, when the target is going to be dead before a standard length poisoning even wears off, is just retarded. it's just as bad as not having a mod on the sword at all. And there's a reason people go for pure damage in pve. It's what wins. Degen simply isn't effective.
That is why I said if poisons were implemented properly.
Degen in all forms should have a place in the game.
At present the health of the creatures and the players is so low compared to the damage output, this means many foes last seconds, there often simply isn't any time to use some effects.
Interrupt and pure damage seem the main ways to defeat enemies.
I think combat in gw2 will last longer on many foes as health is far higher and I doubt damage output will increase to keep pace.
Given longer combats maybe there will be a place for degen skills that weaken enemies.
the Puppeteer
there's fire-ice
lets say opposite elements - lightning comes in... "GTFO"
lets say opposite elements - lightning comes in... "GTFO"
There should defo be a shocking dragon sword. Why not if they have both fiery and icy. Seems more obvious that they would have shocking since thats the only element any conjure warrior would use...
Unless you were trying to make some build around spinal shivers or mark of rodgort, but really shock warriors are the only viable elemental warriors.
Unless you were trying to make some build around spinal shivers or mark of rodgort, but really shock warriors are the only viable elemental warriors.
Guesswork as I cannot base it on anything else till the game comes out.
Levels are going from 20 to 80
The lvl 2 character from the movie had around 220 health and the unknown lvl Charr had 7000 health.
That's a heck of an increase.
I am hoping that somewhere in the new game is a place for variety, the designers say they are giving us more choice on how we play the characters.
If GW2 just results in DP is king and there is no point in playing any other style, then what is the point of getting it.
Levels are going from 20 to 80
The lvl 2 character from the movie had around 220 health and the unknown lvl Charr had 7000 health.
That's a heck of an increase.
I am hoping that somewhere in the new game is a place for variety, the designers say they are giving us more choice on how we play the characters.
If GW2 just results in DP is king and there is no point in playing any other style, then what is the point of getting it.
There should defo be a shocking dragon sword. Why not if they have both fiery and icy. Seems more obvious that they would have shocking since thats the only element any conjure warrior would use...
Unless you were trying to make some build around spinal shivers or mark of rodgort, but really shock warriors are the only viable elemental warriors. |
I wasn't aware that Conjure Cripslash guys made frequent use of Shock.
Doesn't matter if it is useful or not, they should add ebon and shocking dragon swords, maybe even a zealous one since they have vampiric.
Burning swords do not harm the user so why do vampiric ones ? I mean its not exactly a selling point.
Zealous weapons reduce your energy recovery vampiric ones should maybe do the same to health recovery.
If they worked that way at least with heroes then we could equip them on same.
Too late now alas but it has puzzled me for some time, I always wanted a shield or armour runes to counter the ill effect.
Other games would call such weapons cursed
..Zealous weapons reduce your energy recovery vampiric ones should maybe do the same to health recovery...
I wasn't aware that Conjure Cripslash guys made frequent use of Shock.
and where does vampiric fall in your computations?
the Puppeteer
I like the idea of a shocking dragon sword. In another thread I suggested a FDS or DS that could have a modified sword hilt and dyable flame. I think that would be easier to implement and more useful. Adding new animations would be neat, but unlikely.
Off Topic: A poisonous sword does help add pressure as bleeding is easy to come by in the sword line and the combined effect gives the same degen as burning, but can last much longer. IMO, it's more effective in HM than a conjure, due to the high armor of foes.
Off Topic: A poisonous sword does help add pressure as bleeding is easy to come by in the sword line and the combined effect gives the same degen as burning, but can last much longer. IMO, it's more effective in HM than a conjure, due to the high armor of foes.
uhm, vampiric DOES reduce hp recovery, it just happens that you generally have 0 pips of hp recovery, thus 0-1=-1
Though not all vampiric weapons do +5 points since I have seen a +3 version yet they always do -1 health.
So why on earth create a +3 version if it damages the wielder at the same rate as a +5 vampiric.
As I say makes no sense in the game world for it to excist.
I understand that game logic isnt always the same as game balance and they felt the need to counter the beneficial effect of the extra damage.
There must have been other options and I was just looking to work out why they came up with the version they did.
Since I am a hard core role player from way back I like my games to have a basic logic.
sounds like a good idea for the "Winds of change" sword drop from a dragon.
I want a Rising Dragon Sword instead.
Off Topic: A poisonous sword does help add pressure as bleeding is easy to come by in the sword line and the combined effect gives the same degen as burning, but can last much longer. IMO, it's more effective in HM than a conjure, due to the high armor of foes. |
faster weapons have +3, whereas slower weapons have +5 to compensate for slower attack rate.
To put it another way:
Axes, daggers, spears and swords: +3/-1
Bows, hammers and scythes: +5/-1
Axes, daggers, spears and swords: +3/-1
Bows, hammers and scythes: +5/-1
its not about mods - its about the looks
read what the OP asked |
read who OP is
... Though not all vampiric weapons do +5 points since I have seen a +3 version yet they always do -1 health.
So why on earth create a +3 version if it damages the wielder at the same rate as a +5 vampiric. As I say makes no sense in the game world for it to excist... |
Not really. A war shouldn't be switching targets to spread poison, and enemies won't last long enough for the poison to expire. It's a completely useless mod on melee weapons.
faster weapons have +3, whereas slower weapons have +5 to compensate for slower attack rate. |
It is the only weapon type I know of in the game that can kill you if held long enough, and the fact that this effect is used in some forms of death leveling doesn't make it any more sensible.
anyway this has drifted far enough away from the OPs original post.
Yes to more elemental weapons and with visual effects is possible and a personal vote for an alteration to the way vampiric weapons work.
Reduce my total health fine reduce the effects of healing also fine make no health regen when damaged ditto, but an end to the health drain its just stupid.
At least promise me your not going to run vampiric weapons like this in gw2
It's only bad if you're too stupid to weapon swap. The -1 degen is extremely insignificant and takes an extremely long time to kill you. And just about any weapon, without an IAS while swinging, can balance out the degen, with IAS you gain even more, plus armor ignoring dps.
It's only bad if you're too stupid to weapon swap. The -1 degen is extremely insignificant and takes an extremely long time to kill you. And just about any weapon, without an IAS while swinging, can balance out the degen, with IAS you gain even more, plus armor ignoring dps.
Yes you heal yourself for 5 with each successful hit which is good but its not that good.
Firstly from a game world point its as stupid an invention as a triangular wheel or a chocolate fire guard.
No one in their right mind would ever invent such a weapon modification.
From a player point of view it could have been balanced in some other way, as previously suggested.
ie lower health no auto health regen or reduced effect from healing, anything but the way its done now.
Heroes were not out when the weapon was designed so an alteration in the way vampiric weapons work is long overdue so we can equip them on heroes.
Not going to happen in gw I know but I really hate parts of the game that after a while annoy because they could have been done in a better or more believable way.
Not the points I was making its not a question of swapping weapons its just that your accepting an automatic -1 degen which is ludicrous.
Yes you heal yourself for 5 with each successful hit which is good but its not that good. Firstly from a game world point its as stupid an invention as a triangular wheel or a chocolate fire guard. No one in their right mind would ever invent such a weapon modification. From a player point of view it could have been balanced in some other way, as previously suggested. ie lower health no auto health regen or reduced effect from healing, anything but the way its done now. Heroes were not out when the weapon was designed so an alteration in the way vampiric weapons work is long overdue so we can equip them on heroes. Not going to happen in gw I know but I really hate parts of the game that after a while annoy because they could have been done in a better or more believable way. |
Ok I must be missing something here and I am quite willing to accept that I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
So enlighten this poor soul what is so wrong with wanting the weapons altered so heroes can use them and also what is so wrong with wanting some kind of logic to weapon and skill design.
Just take a little time and explain it to me please.
So enlighten this poor soul what is so wrong with wanting the weapons altered so heroes can use them and also what is so wrong with wanting some kind of logic to weapon and skill design.
Just take a little time and explain it to me please.
Eh... with a vampiric hammer or scythe, you actually gain so much health that you don't need to hit 100% of the time to gain more health than the health you lose with the -1 degen. Only with the spear you'll need to hit 100% of the time to compensate.
And even less with IAS.
Each -1 degen is just -2HP per second.
It's not really that much.
And heroes can use perfectly the -1 degen weapons.
It is true that the -1degen deactivates the auto-regeneration, but healer heroes just check the health for allies to heal. So they will heal other heroes if the degen gets they health too low, and heroes will heal themselves just fine if they have self-heals.
And even less with IAS.
Each -1 degen is just -2HP per second.
It's not really that much.
And heroes can use perfectly the -1 degen weapons.
It is true that the -1degen deactivates the auto-regeneration, but healer heroes just check the health for allies to heal. So they will heal other heroes if the degen gets they health too low, and heroes will heal themselves just fine if they have self-heals.
Eh... with a vampiric hammer or scythe, you actually gain so much health that you don't need to hit 100% of the time to gain more health than the health you lose with the -1 degen. Only with the spear you'll need to hit 100% of the time to compensate.
And even less with IAS. Each -1 degen is just -2HP per second. It's not really that much. And heroes can use perfectly the -1 degen weapons. It is true that the -1degen deactivates the auto-regeneration, but healer heroes just check the health for allies to heal. So they will heal other heroes if the degen gets they health too low, and heroes will heal themselves just fine if they have self-heals. |
I was under the impression from others that the hero ai wasn't able to make good use of vampiric weapons.