I am looking for about 60k per Oppressor Wpn of your choice. I have 110 spare medals of honour and can trade them for any 11 wpns/shields you wish.
15 stacks of Wintersday Gifts @ 30k per stack.
5 stacks of Frosty Tonics (2pts/tonic) @ 25k/stack
I also have
90 Mysterious tonics (5pts/tonic) at 300g ea.
70 Crates of Fireworks (3pts/crate) for 20k
48 Kryton Lokum (3pts/) for 14K
40 Jars of honey (2pt/jar) for 8k
20 Blue sugar drinks for 2K.
I am selling these items @ 100g/pt or less.
I am intersted in a package deal at a discount for a player looking to buff up their HoM/Gwamm. You can pm me ingame, or email me with the details of your offer at [email protected]
Oppressor Wpn & Points
Severen Pendragon
ill take blue sugar, honey jars, and lokum for 24k. will also offer 50k on an oppr weap.
IGN Rayne Stormbringer
IGN Rayne Stormbringer
offer 50k on oppressor weapon
ign: Mystical Ultima
ign: Mystical Ultima
ill buy all 11 opressor weps, if 60k ea then ok if i get a discount then even better.
I'll offer 7 ecto for on oppresor curses staff.