Price Check please on four items:
Celestial Compass:
req 9 illusion, inscribable (current mods not valuable)
Demonic Aegis:
Armor 16, req 11 Tactics, inscribable (current mods not valuable)
Ebonhand Aegis:
Armor 16, req 9 str, inscribable (current mods not valuable)
Bronze Shield:
Armor 16, req 9 tactics, -5/20%, not inscribable (old school)
PC on q9 illusion CC and 3 shields
Solstice Agamemnon
Demonic ~5k.
Ebonhand 20-30k imo, but get more opinions.
Bronze methinks merch fodder, but might get a few k.
Ebonhand 20-30k imo, but get more opinions.
Bronze methinks merch fodder, but might get a few k.
Illusion CC = 50k
Solstice Agamemnon
agree with both aboves
Illusion CC - ~75-80k
Demonic Aegis - I'd merch it, but you might get a few plat I guess.
Ebonhand - ~15k
Bronze Shield - merch
Demonic Aegis - I'd merch it, but you might get a few plat I guess.
Ebonhand - ~15k
Bronze Shield - merch
Solstice Agamemnon
Thanks all for your responses!
I guess I was expecting more for the Celestial Compass, and not expecting the Ebonhand would be worth more than 10K, so I'm glad I checked.
Other price checks I've seen on Celestial Compasses, even recent ones, have been in the 20-30e range, so I figured a q9 would be on the high end of that range. I'm assuming this one is quite a bit lower because it's illusion?
Thanks again!
I guess I was expecting more for the Celestial Compass, and not expecting the Ebonhand would be worth more than 10K, so I'm glad I checked.
Other price checks I've seen on Celestial Compasses, even recent ones, have been in the 20-30e range, so I figured a q9 would be on the high end of that range. I'm assuming this one is quite a bit lower because it's illusion?
Thanks again!
Closed for an early bump.