Having played the game for a hell of a long time, I'm wanting to get back into it in a PvE sense. I'm just bumbling along now, doing the odd thing here and there for GW2 HoM. If I'm honest with you I'm getting really bored of it, and need something fresh, a new friend to team up with and adventure.
I've played through every campaign, played for 5 years, have a full set of heroes, etc etc.
So if there is anyone out there, or a group of you who want to do HM VQ, Missions, dungeons etc then just add me in game and we can adventure together, get drops, open chests, the usual stuff.
I'm from UK and mostly play in the evening to early morning. So if you fancy it, message me in game or on here!
I look forward to seeing you in game!
IGN: Gwens Bodyguard
LF Partner for VQ/HM Missions
Angel Killuminati
You sound just like me, I'm willing to help you with that anytime...
IGN: meleemans warrior
IGN: meleemans warrior
Jerec The Raven
This sounds like my kind of party.
IGN: Jerec The Raven
IGN: Jerec The Raven
Thom Bangalter
I've currently been vanquishing nightfall solo, and would be happy to have another set of heroes and some company.
IGN Thomas Bangalter
IGN Thomas Bangalter
I'm always up for turning stuff into holders for my arrows.
IGN: Aria Silverfyre
IGN: Aria Silverfyre
Yellow D. Flash
IGN: Monk YounGG