I need Dungeon #12 Shards of Orr Hard Mode.
Please pm me here or IGN: Irondogg The Third
LF Shards of Orr Hard Mode (Dungeon #12)
I did have a chance at SoO from Alfa Dark Pi of LUCK, but I was rudely disconnected from GW server when we were at level 3 in the cemetery... I was horribly disappointed as I have been waiting for SoO HM for a long long time...
Anyway, still looking for a run through SoO HM if anyone is interested in helping me out.
Please pm me in game to: Irondogg The Third
I did have a chance at SoO from Alfa Dark Pi of LUCK, but I was rudely disconnected from GW server when we were at level 3 in the cemetery... I was horribly disappointed as I have been waiting for SoO HM for a long long time...
Anyway, still looking for a run through SoO HM if anyone is interested in helping me out.
Please pm me in game to: Irondogg The Third
I am still looking for someone to run me through Shards of Orr Hard Mode.
Please pm me in game to: Irondogg The Third
I am still looking for someone to run me through Shards of Orr Hard Mode.
Please pm me in game to: Irondogg The Third