80k on q8 Chaos Axe 15^-5e
IGN : Atheena Minerva
Quiting Sale, Crystallines, Eternals, Nerfed items, all going
Lady S Shiva
100k+30e on 15%-1 choas plz
teh bestest is here
ill contact you ingame shiva about the chaos
teh bestest is here
Bump, im not on much so the people who want to buy things should send me a message telling me exactly when they will be on in the next few days and ill log in to meet you. I log in periodically but no one seems to be on when i log in, so maybe this will work better
50e on celestial shield if still available not sure it's been quite a while...2.5+ months
45e on the q8 15% -1 energy chaos axe
IGN Vault Of Sharnia
IGN Vault Of Sharnia
teh bestest is here
Bump again, downloading the files now on my new laptop, gonna start contacting people as soon as it finishes. Id like to see more offers on a few items tho
45e Holy Staff.
IGN: Nahemah of Babylon
B/O 20/20 Marshmallow Staff
IGN: Nahemah of Babylon
B/O 20/20 Marshmallow Staff
teh bestest is here
Bump, online tonight contacting people