lf fun groupings

I am Judge

I am Judge

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2010

We Wear Sombrero's


So anyone else tired of everyone (pugs) having to use SoS, Panic, DwG, Discord/Sabway or anything else made popular by PvX in order to do anything? Anyone else tired of everyone getting ran through everything and rushing everything? Tired of everything being Hero/Hench?

Well I know I am, so I am looking for random individuals. I know there has to be a few out there that are looking to do stuff like 'create a new toon in prophecies and use only the skills given to you through quests'

If anyone is out there doing anything like that give me a holler. I just made a new toon in pre searing going to do quests and stuff without purchasing skills. Using only the item's that are dropped or 'crafted'.... and no elites on anything untill I get some quest that allows me to go cap one then maybe I'll use one.

Anyways I'm hoping something like this would bring the fun back into the game for me... it seems any time the Test Krew or Anet touches anything I lose more interest in the game (unless it's new content) and I've only been playing a year.... gotten through everything with H/H wanting to play with others now but not generic people having to use SoS or some 'way' build to rush absolutly everything.

I'm sure people can read skills that are given to them and use them to accomplish a task... it really isn't that hard or can't be that hard.. I even respect new players who don't know what SoS even is!

So if anyone is out there looking to play the game and not just use the lowest common denominator (those who have numbers on their head because everything can be facerolled or done with the push of 3 buttons) builds that anet gives people to rush everything reply!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2008


You can get away with running more alternative builds than SoS, Panic, and such for general play and anything Wik/Zaishen. My main is mesmer and I hardly touch Panic and you can easily go Signet of Ghostly Might or other things on your ritualist. If you're H/H'ing the hero builds are your choice.

Anyway, I often do WiK, dungeons, and Zaishen stuff. PM for IGN if you do those and are interested.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2011


I'm looking for a fun group, IGN: King Bloodaxe