Reserve the right to sell in-game also.
IGN: Rebekah Firth or Bekah Stronghammer.
Make sure to leave IGN and item purchased here or IG. Email can also be sent via profile.
s/b each weapon 3k b/o 10k
All inscriptions and mods are perfect unless stated otherwise.
Dance with Death (x4) 1k each
Don't Fear the Reaper 1k
Fear Cuts Deeper 1k
Guided by Fate 1k
Can See Clearly Now (x2) 1k each
Let the Memory Live Again 1k
Only the Strong Survive (x3) 1k each
Pure of Heart (x3)
Soundness of Mind (x4) 1k each
Seize the Day 5k
Barbed Axe Haft (x2) 1.5kea
Crippling Axe Haft 1.5k
Fiery Axe Haft 1.5k
Axe Grip of Warding 1.5k
Bow Grip of Shelter 1.5k
Bow Grip of Warding 1.5k
Barbed Bowstring 1.5k
Crippling Bowstring 1.5k
Fiery Bowstring 1.5k
Shocking Bowstring 1.5k
Zealous Bowstring 2k
Barbed Dagger Tang 1.5k
Crippling Dagger Tang 1.5k
Shocking Dagger Tang 1.5k
Fiery Hammer Haft 1.5k
Furious Hammer Haft 1.5k
Hammer Grip of Fortitude H+30 2k
Fiery Scythe Snathe 2k
Barbed Spear Head 1k
Fiery Spear Head 1k
Poisonous Spear Head 1k
Staff Wrapping of Inspiration 1k
Barbed Sword Hilt 1k
Cruel Sword Hilt 1k
Fiery Sword Hilt 1k
Poisonous Sword Hilt 1k
Sundering Sword Hilt 1k
Sword Pommel of Defense (x2) 1k ea
Sword Pommel of Shelter 1k
Sword Pommel of Warding 1k
Dedicated Minis
Summit Giant Herder 250g
Jungle Troll 250g
Ventari (Purple) 250g
Kirin (Purple) 250g
More to come...